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My ex boyfriend and I dated for 6 years. About a year ago I broke it off. I needed time to figure out who I was and wanted out of life. In that time I realized he was the one for me. I know that he truly loved me. Yet, about seven months ago he started a long distance relationship. The see each other on weekends here and there and their relationship is mainly online. He says that this is the love of his life and he is going to marry her next year (she is moving down in a couple of weeks to be with him).

I still talk to him almost every other day and see him once a week.

I realize that I was the one who made the mistake, yet I don't know how to get him back, or if that is even possible.

Any advice would be great.


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I'll help you, if you help me. My post is right below yours, from Oct.8. It's about my girlfiend leaving me because I was too weak and insecure for her. I'm realizing the hardest thing to do when you love someone is to give them space to breathe, especially when they need it. This however, is also the hardest thing one can do. I know. I'm there right now. I've been involved in a long distance relationship and I'll tell you one thing, they for most part, do not work. You cannot truly know a person over a computer. You do not know their habits and whether or not you're even compatible with one another. People force it to work over the internet. It's the challenge of it all. She'll be on her best behavior and so will he for the forst little while that they will be together, but that fantasy soon slips away and then reality kicks in. I've been there twice before and about a dozen other people I know as well and none of them worked out. Give him some time and DEFINITELY do not speak to him every other day and see him once a week. That is your first mistake. You are too much at his beckin call. Distance yourself and pop in and out of his life on an inconsistant basis for the time being and allow him the opportunity to miss you. This a chance of saving and redeeming his feelings for you.

Now, to conclude on my own situation here. I bumped into her 3 days ago on the street and she was really surprised to see me and was very nervous, but tried her best to keep it under control. she was on her way to work and couldn't talk to me. I got home and wrote her some more emails and sent her some pictures of us and some songs and did the same thing the next day. I didn't get a response and I realize that I shouldn't have done anything at all. It's been a couple of days now and I don't know what to think anymore and am not sure what to do next, if anything at all. Please read my post, so that you can be filled in on the entire story. I hope I helped to out some and we'll help each other out for the time being.


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