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did i do the right thing(FWB relationship)


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well i was dating this guy last year and we broke up for stupid circumstances (we'll at least that's what i think ) and he recently came bak like a couple of months ago we watched a movie at my place and stuff happened, i am sure you know where iam heading at.. so ever since than every once every 1-2 weeks we will have fun ( xxx) .. he is some one i have been friends with even when we broke up ( but i guess things happen)

so anyways while that was going on he never mention for me to go back out with him we we're just " friends with benefits" so a few days ago i wrote him a letter saying we can no longer be FWB becasue i feel wat we are doing is wrong , using eachother for the wrong reasons, and that i want to respect him and myself.. but we can still be friends..


so anyways i wrote to him an email saying that , and he responded with " i understand and just to let you know i have never disrespected you or planned too.. i just want that to be clear...and so on....p.s et me know what your planning to do for your b-day"


i do like him but not as much as i should/can be i am not attached or even care whether he calls me or not...but (there's always a "But") what about if he is sleeping with other people iam only hurting myself and God know's what kind of girls he's messing with and wat they have in their bodies..


after our last get- together, it was really nice and i did kinda felt some emotions getting involved

now seriously i don't want to be the one who ends up getting hurt at the end, but i don't want to regret wat i have done..


there are just a lot of things that bug me about him 1-his 2 yrs younger, 2- he's in university and i can't let him get distracted on me or stop him from doing good( the reason we broke up last year is cuz school and he had no time,) 3- his toooo nice to many girls, treats the the way he would treat me 4-he can be selfish at times 5-and our culture is vvery different


but i guess if he was meant to be with me he will come bak after his done school

the saying "ifyou love something let it go if it was meantit'll come bak"


what you guys think

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I can see why you don't want to be hurt. But I don't understand your reasoning for 1 and 5. Why would 2 years really matter? Yes, he's still in school, but College as you know still gives you a lot of time to manage things. And what if you both do have different culture ideas? Your still friends. It's your choice if you want to remain friends and that's fine. But don't let all the things you find negative about him or the reasons you can think of, to make the final decision. They made add weight, but just make sure you think it completely through. Good luck.

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i guess your right about the culture differences


but the reason i said about unerversity is beacuse that was his reason for breakking up with me last year he had no timeand we would have only seen eachother once a week mean while he was calling me every friday and saturday to go out and honestly who am i really someone he can just come around every summer to just play around with and than as soon as september hit's he can say see you later ti'll next year(summer)? i don't think so...


i mean if he really liked me he and I could of work our schedule around and try to work it out.. that was the lamest excuse i ever heard ffrom someone. "i don't have time" meanwhile he had time to go out with other people he barely knewand inviting me....


and than i guess his young so he's not ready for a serious relationship which in my case iam ready to try to settle down not marry right away but at least someoen who is honest and able to work things out with me and of course be there for me and in this case he isn't and wasn't there


so i guess i just answer my own question..I should just move on....

Cuz it seems as though he just not ready for something real!!


any comment ??

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