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Untitled IV


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Your lush green features spread themselves for miles; a vast carpet of beauty, and life. Thousands upon thousands of trees, all different kinds, merging together to create a complex tapestry of foliage, woven into the silent glory that you have become. The sound of water gently trickling over stone permeates the noisy calm that presides in your serene realm. Small animals scurry about their business; each finding a complete existence within your own, private universe - Creatures whose lives depend on your surging growth... Your inexorable expansion...


Onward I fly, locked away in my jet-powered, metal cage. You have been targeted, painted blood red with the light that will guide me; the beacon that will bring about our final embrace...


Your uniform green hides your indifferences; from marshed, swampy wastelands, to beautiful, sacred glades - the variety of your appearance enchants all who you permit within you. A subtle vibrance of new life; the pure essense of creation, running through every vein, every stem. The synchronised existence of your entirety breathes as one; each aura adding a motion to the cascade of gentle movements, that make up the lifeblood of your very being; your very soul...


Into the breach I step; my steel shell cheating the effects of the elements. Falling, falling fast... My guardian holds it's course - the only reminder a sparkling vapour trail; it's crystals shining - infamous diamonds. I quickly turn to face you, screaming down into the very core of you. I start to spin, slowly at first, but I pick up speed. The wind - your invisible hand, runs over my casing; I feel it's caress on my fins... My tails...


Your unearthly senses pick up on an intrusion. Suddenly, the birds in your branches stop singing. Small animals; usually happy attending to their private affairs -seem to disappear into undergrowth. A deathly silence prevails... You know what's about to happen... You foresaw this, but could do nothing about it. You accepted it as an ultimate inevitability - and it, in turn, has caught up with you. You realise that this is your last stand; your final clash with the opposite element...


A death knell tolls for you; indeed, within you... It rings louder, and louder...


You start to unravel; the thread of your weave, severed, at your very heart. The life bleeds from you. Death spills into you, corrupting your pure, clean beauty, and you know the time of your death is at hand...


I blinded you, didn't I? The startling flash of my eruption possesed a savage beauty; a raw attraction - comparable only to some of your own creations... I drew you in with a flash of mesmerising potential... And now I will destroy you. I will corrupt, poison, kill, slaughter, besiege, and burn you... I am the destroyer of worlds... Invincible. And you are my prey... Vunerable... Weak...


You've recovered now, haven't you? You see the destruction; all that remains of you are smoking ruins, and irradiated wasteland. The charred, barren corpse is all that is left. Ruins of a hierachy; a society that had order, law, life. The only thing you have to hold onto is a burnt, scarred landscape; bare, and yet, full of memory. What once was the personification of perfection, is now just another example to the others. Just another notch on a gun barrel. Just another pin in the map. Just another dollar in the pocket.


I will be commended...


I would be commended. But I was expendable. Expendable, and proud. I may have given the ultimate sacrifice, but you suffer the same fate as me. We conquer each other for the good of ourselves?




The winner of our stalemate duel is nowhere to be seen...

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