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she is happy with both of us but i know that she has so many more feelings for me than she does for him. i dont pressure her into doing anything with me i dont call her every night and see if she wants to do something. i've given her the space she wanted and i told her what i wanted and she needs to step up to the plate or go sit in the dugout its that simple but i cant let her go. ok for instance the first timewe had sex after she was with that guy, i asked her why it would be ok if she did it and her reply was "cause at least its with the guy i want to marry" it hurts all the time but at the same time i know shethinks about the same stuff i do.

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You're doing everything right, your gf on the other hand isn't. She's not only being unfaithful but she's leading you on. It's obvious she doesn't want to give you up but at the same time she does want her freedom. Since I'm currently dealing with a similar scenario I'm not sure what to tell you. It isn't a good thing, but at the same time you don't want her having sex with a guy she doesn't love.


I'm not sure exactly what to do, but if I was you I'd tell her to consider that if things aren't that good with this new guy that she dumps him and finds someone else. Don't suggest you, in fact suggest someone you know she's interested in. Tell her she could do better.


That's what I'd do anyways.

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Well at this point she does not have to make a choice now does she?

I think that regardless of her actions, you letting her treat you this way is not such a great idea. She may in fact love you, and want to spend her life with you, but until she actually does that I would keep her at arms length...if you don't she may start to take you for granted....and that will get you no where fast. Also you could start to develop bad feelings about her, as people will say she is cheating....etc etc...that will start to sink in and ruin how you feel about her. If you really want to see if you have something real, let her go...all of her.

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