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heard talks of my ex wanting me back


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well we broke up in december of last year cause she needed space, then about 2 months later she started seein this guy and i think hes just filler, then a couple weks ago at her graduation party we were makin out and he came up there so i had to act like we werent doin anything. i try to leave her alne so she misses me but what should i do

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Hello Marcus,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that you broke up with your g/f. I understand that recently you have made out again and that you would like to get back together.


I have to inform you, though, that it needs two to Tango. Is she willing to get back together. If she doesn't, then I am afraid that you can't force her into doing so. If you don't know, I would suggest you that you talk to her about it and ask how she feels towards you and if she would give you guys another chance. Be aware, though: it will take some time for each other to completely trust each other again. That does not happen overnight and might go with a little frustration left and right. Communication is the key to all this.


I hope that this helped you on your way and I wish you good luck in making the right decisions that work for you.


~ SwingFox ~

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thanx i know all that and ive heard it all but i guess iwasnt as detailed as i shouldve been. the guy shes with has incorporated her with all his friends and shes worried that if she leaves him she would loose all that. she has told me so many time that she wants to i just think that she doesnt know how to do it. and another thing, her family doesnt like him her friends dont like him, all i hear is how much they want me back in the picture and it hurts to see him there when im there, and she tells me to wait till he leaves so we can spend time with each other, i dont get it and i just wanna know what her plan is if there are any women out there who can help with her thought process it would be nice

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Hello again Marcus,


I am sorry for the confusion. I think I do understand it better now. Did you try to explain that she is worried to loose her friends, when she leaves him? I am worried about that, because what kind of friends would she have, then. To me that would be very disrespectful of the friends that would leave her and just for that I wouldn't find it any loss of loosing those type of friends.


I'd suggest her to find happiness. If that means getting back together with you, I would suggest that she'd do just that and leave her new b/f. She might loose some friends along that way, but like I said, what kind of friends would that have been? My rule in life is: "The only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy." Is she happy with him? Is she happy with you?


Find out some answers


~ SwingFox ~

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she is happy with both of us but i know that she has so many more feelings for me than she does for him. i dont pressure her into doing anything with me i dont call her every night and see if she wants to do something. i've given her the space she wanted and i told her what i wanted and she needs to step up to the plate or go sit in the dugout its that simple but i cant let her go. ok for instance the first timewe had sex after she was with that guy, i asked her why it would be ok if she did it and her reply was "cause at least its with the guy i want to marry" it hurts all the time but at the same time i know shethinks about the same stuff i do.

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