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He wet the bed!

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Hey ladies, me and my boyfriend are on the rocks. Right now I'm so mad at him - he got totally wasted the other night and peed in his sleep, WHILE he was in MY bed, WHILE I was beside him. I woke up all wet and realized what's he'd done and woke him up to yell at him! He's 26 and wets the bed!!!! I've never heard of anything so crazy! Just wondering if any of you have had similar experiences with your man wettign his bed or his pants as an adult??


Thansk a lot, Tessa

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Alcohol makes you urinate more, and it also realxes your muscles so it's more dificult to hold in. He probaby was too drunk to wake up, and too drunk to hold it.


I know it's gross, but he probably couldn't help it. I wouldn't get too mad at him.

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dont be mad at him! its nothing crazy! even if he had some problems down there to wet the bed, still nothing to be mad over! isnt he someone you care about and love? imagine how embarrassing it must be for him? and add to that you yelling at him!

it could be alcohol, illness or a dream of him peeing but i wouldnt be mad! cause it could happen to you too!

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If it's a one-time thing, who cares. But if he does it consistently while drunk, then I would break up with him for the fact that he has a drinking problem.

One added thing: When you're in a long-term relationship with someone, you'll begin to notice a lot of things about that person that may gross you out. For example, your "knight in shining armor" will fart and throw up and have bouts in the bathroom that YOU WILL HEAR. You have to learn to accept flaws in others to have a relationship with them.

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Alcohol depresses all your senses, including baro (pressure) receptors in the bladder. In addition it is a diurectic, (causes the body to lose fluid more rapidly) so it's not totally surprising that this happened.


The question is, does he get this inibriated often, or is this a rare occurrence?

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It can happen to anyone if you have had a lot to drink.


Now reverse the situation and it was you that had wet the bed, I am sure you would probably be embarresed ( if not disgusted with yourself as this is view you now have of your boyfriend). I bet you would expect him to be understanding.


You said that your relationships is on the rocks. Is this because of this bed wetting epsiode or because of other things wrong in the relationship. Has this just added to any negative feelings you currently have against the (poor)guy?

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Well, while I have never had that happen to me personally I have heard of some rather inebriated people who have done so while sleeping. I have seen some pictures of others passed out on couches and floors who had done the same thing (probably forwarded to me in an email or something!).


Alchohol to excess that it makes you pass out, can also make you passed out to point where you just will NOT be waking up, and not even be aware of the sensation you need to pee. Even if he did "know" he had to, he may have somehow dreamed he got up and went (I know a guy that did that!).


I don't think yelling at him was right course of action, I am sure he was not very proud of himself as is.


'It sounds like perhaps though you are frustrated enough with the relationship and him, that you are finding more flaws, or using them as ammunition in a sense. If things were good, you would probably both just laugh at it the next day (unless its a regular occurrence, and then he probably has a problem with alchohol). I had an ex whom when he went to the washroom at work one day managed to pee on his pants....and it has been a joke amongst us to this day

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I guess it's more common than I thought--I heard a story that a friend was so drunk, he got up and took a piss on his best friend who was sleeping on the couch!! No one ever told the guy who peed what he did to his friend (to save him the embarrassment) and apparently, he didn't know he did it either since he never mentioned doing it--He was that drunk!!!

My friend's boyfriend also peed in the bed when he was totally drunk.

I guess it's a lesson learned---Dont sleep near someone who is that drunk!! And in case you are peed on, remember that urine is sterile and wont kill you---as gross as it may seem!

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Well my thought would be that if he has a condition in which he can't control it, that it would be worse to yell at him if that were the case than if one was to yell at him if it was a result of being too intoxicated.


It's disgusting, but eventhough being too intoxicated really can't be excused, know that i'm SURE it wasn't his intention to pee in your bed.


Furthermore, I think if he did have a problem that it was pretty unfair to go posting this on a website. Eventhough people's identities should remain anonymous, I know I would be embarrassed if I were to find out that something like that was put out for public view.


Tell him if he plans on getting that drunk again, that you aren't going to let him near your room, but will instead leave him in his own place so he can freely create a mess for himself to clean up.

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