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Hey all....I sent my ex an email, just saying Happy Birthday, and he did reply, although it wasn't much...he DID acknowledge me.

I am truly trying to be patient.....and not be bitter. I want him to remember me in a GOOD light...and maybe ..hopefully some day we can at the very least, be good friends.


For the recored....a couple months ago, he pretty much said he wouldn't have any more contact with me.....

So, could it be that he is softening?

At the VERY least I want to be able to be good friends with him...is this a good start?

Where do I go from here?

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I am suffering as well, as you know,


so i cant give u probably any advice other than im here for u, and as u know everyone on here is.


im staying strong, just N/C god its hard so hard

I am missing her and her daughter sooo much.

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you need to chill out & stop over analyzing the slightest bit of attention he sends your way. never expect a friendship after a breakup. if it happens it happens on its own and with time. i know you must have been overly excited to see his name in your inbox but cmon think about it he sent him a happy birthday wish, he did the only considerate thing TO do.......replied.


dont sit & stress over it. the sooner you stop settling for the happiness one ounce of attention he tosses your way the sooner youll find happiness in a new love & more importantly, in yourself, a fulfilling long lasting happiness you can only bring upon yourself.



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I agree with DragonGirl, you can't get too excited because your ex "DID acknowledge" you. It's possible that a friendship MIGHT be possible, but only if you just go with the flow and don't expect anything. I know, myself, I've started talking to my ex again.


I know, accept, and like the fact that there is no chance that we will ever be back again as a couple. Right now, we're just e-mailing back and forth getting caught up on what's been happening to each of us. Do I want to be her friend? Not especially, if it happens it happens though. This woman ripped my heart out, and although I always will love her, I don't think I can ever stand to see her again so we'll have to see. Doesn't mean that I'm not going to be nice to her when she sent me an e-card for my birthday (it's how we started e-mailing again). My point is, I'm facing this with the thinking that if she suddenly broke off contact with me, I would just shrug my shoulders, go "eh" and move on. Don't get too excited.

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you need to chill out & stop over analyzing the slightest bit of attention he sends your way. never expect a friendship after a breakup. if it happens it happens on its own and with time. i know you must have been overly excited to see his name in your inbox but cmon think about it he sent him a happy birthday wish, he did the only considerate thing TO do.......replied.


dont sit & stress over it. the sooner you stop settling for the happiness one ounce of attention he tosses your way the sooner youll find happiness in a new love & more importantly, in yourself, a fulfilling long lasting happiness you can only bring upon yourself.




Well Said. Where've you been DG? Long time; no see.

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Hi Echo,


I remember you giving me good advise on why I needed to do n/c back in July. You are a strong person, and I am sure you will find your own way to go for it in time. Meanwhile, I must agree with other posts that please do not hold your hope high. I truly believe friendship is possible one day, but certainly not now while your feelings toward him is still strong


I wish you the best,



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hey buddy, yeah ive been keepin busy. very busy. having a wonderful summer & workin hard. I got a reply notification from the board saying someone replied to an old post i was commenting on & well, Im already getting myself 'into trouble' & ive only been back on for like 2 days lol .


but anywho, dont 'settle' for anyone's attention, dont you deserve better than that...?



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