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Im in a pretty bad place right now...


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Me and my gf are having some pretty serious problems right now, and we are on a break, and I dont know if we will make it back to each other at the end of this break. Please read these and tell me what you think:


I look deep into my soul for the words for my feelings

But I find only a vacant space

I wonder why the words won't appear, why I have this emptiness inside me

And I realize that a void is simply where something once was

That soft gaze is no longer part of me, nor are the tender kisses, or the gentle laugh

Now I can find only a lonely darkness

Will I ever be freed from this glass prison, able to rest once again in that warmth and beauty?

Will these disparities hide themselves from our view, so that we may live in peace?

Will this storm pass, and make way for a glorious encounter?

I whisper my questions to the cold midnight wind, and I plead with it to deliver my reservations to those ears

But it simply moves past me without a word, and alas, I am still alone…



I see your face with others, and it shakes me to the core

I have fallen from my rock, and for the first time, I am scared

I fear nothing more than seeing your arms wrapped around another body,

Someone else tasting your love

I remember you scratching at my chest, begging to be let in

And I want you here to ease my pain, and calm my fears

I'm so tired of this sadness

But I know I must wait until my time has come

And then, I will learn of my fate…

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Theres so much I want to tell her, but we decided to go on a break with NC for a month to try and work some personal issues that were plauging our relationship. Im just really confused and lonley, and Ive never written any poetry before, but the words just kinda poured out of me. If anyone is willing to listen to my story and try to help me let me know...


PS any other comments concerning my poetry??

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