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What should I do with him?


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I have always found myself to be attracted to younger guys. I am 28, female. I think I like them younger because I find myself a bit immature, at least in the sex and romance department. I have had few boyfriends, and only one real relationship. I did not actually lose my virginity until I was 22. I could have earlier, but I always wanted it to be with someone "special", although the experience itself wasn't special. Since then, I am much more open to sexual relations.


I have run into a bit of a problem. I find myself attracted to a 20 year old, who has been staying with me for a few weeks. He is visiting from France, and is going home shortly. Each day that passes, he makes an even bigger impression on me. He's not someone I would want to have a relationship with, he's far too immature when it comes to love. I do, however, fantasize about him, and really want to have one hot night with him. I suppose the problem is that I don't know how to seduce him, or whether he would even be open to it. In conversations we've had, he's remarked that he could not sleep with someone he does not know, and, I've noticed that he is a good catholic school boy, with good manners. We've had a lot of fun on the evenings that he has been around. We've played games, watched movies together, drank together, and just laughed and laughed, but I have no idea if he has any interest in me beyond being a person who is a host to him.


What do you guys think I should do?

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In conversations we've had, he's remarked that he could not sleep with someone he does not know, and, I've noticed that he is a good catholic school boy, with good manners.


That statement makes it pretty clear, doesn't it? You're just host to him, you're not super close or anything. It can cause big issues if you get sexually involved, even for one night.

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Show him the bad-girl side of you. Seduction starts in the mind, and ends in the mind. A true seduction involves getting inside someone's head, figuring out what they want, becoming that person, then seducing them from there.


I think that you can show him an exciting, bad-girl side - become something that is forbidden and exciting. You would also be enacting laws of human nature - making him want something he can't have (or isn't supposed to have). Watch his body language, and guage from there. Anyone can be seduced.

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Assuming that he was interested - how would you maintain a relationship with a guy who is 20 years old and about to return to France?


Or is it a really, really, short-term relationship that you want?

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I have no intentions of having a relationship with said fellow, I am just wildy attracted to him (truth be told, it is his french accent that does it for me )


Anyhow, it will not happen as his morals will not allow him to "make love" with someone that is not going to be his wife. It's too bad, but, I remember being his age and wanting to save it for when I was married, but when the moment was right, and I was with someone I truly loved, it happened. I do not regret it, but I certainly would not want him to regret it, so I will not cross the line with him. Perhaps just a simple kiss, a moment of passion. We will see....

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