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is this a dumb idea?


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Well, see, there's always been ppl I've wanted to talk to, but I either dunno when the right time would be or if it'd be a good idea (some ppl I would just not get a good vibe from last year, they don't look the same anymore... and others I even talked to last year don't give off a good vibe this year... Dunno why. Maybe it's all in my head and I should try to say hi cause there's nothing to lose anyway). Anyway, one of my friend is apparently on the same boat as I am, cause he appears to want to know more ppl too (even though he knows like 6 times as many as I do...).


Anyway, maybe it's senior year, or just some unknown explanation, but sometimes I feel like doing something about this. I dunno how to do it, or when a good moment would be... But I've thought about trying more to talk to ppl when I'm with my friends... The thing is that we're the bunch who doesn't like much most of the ppl in school (lots of spoiled kids, closed minded ppl, ppl looking for trouble with everyone they see, etc.). But I could still get some of them to help me with this... I dunno how to explain it, or if it even makes any sense. But anyway, I think that when I'm with them, I am my real self, and I feel really upbeat and happy... and I stop caring what everybody thinks and speak my mind. That's why I think socializing with them around would be so much easier and better... But I dunno how, when or what to say, though. I bet they could help me out a couple of times, but I dunno even if it's a good idea... It's sorta like a study group, though, lol. Ppl on the same boat helping each other sometimes is very effective...


I dunno, feel free to say it's a dumb idea, cause it's just something that crossed my mind. Like I said, I'm still at the drawing board in need of ideas and tips. Peace.

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The best way to meet people is to put yourself in situations where you will be forced to interact with other people (IMO). Making new friends is really important, especially if you're about to graduate. You'll want more than friends from highschool because most of them jet off to college.


Short fast loud 'eh? I assume you're into diy punk hardcore? Goto shows, introduce yourself to people, start a band, etc. If I assumed wrong, sorry.

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Well, thank you both for your replies.


Well hello90, I do wanna make more friends as you say. But I mean, what if there are some specific ppl I wish I had tried to get to know last year but didn't make the effort, not only because I didn't know what to say to them, but also because I didn't know when or how to not make it awkward? I'm talking about specific ppl... I dunno which clubs they're in... And yes, your guess wasn't so far fetched. I do like hardcore. I dunno much about hardcore or any of those types of music here in this state though... Just some heavy metal, but there are very rarely shows that I think are worth it...


Anywa, so yeah, I am going to do what Katyintexas said (join the clubs and volunteer, etc. Even though I dunno how true the dorky part is ). I had planned to join a club... not sure which one yet. But I will join one as soon as I can. But like I said, this time I'm talking about specific ppl. I mean, maybe I shouldn't worry about those at all...

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