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hi i fancy my guy friend... he has stopped calling : (


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A guy im friends with has stopped texting me. i have texted him about 10 times in the last 2/3 weeks and nothing. i told him i fancied him about a month ago but we talked after that and he didnt want a relatioship but we seemed ok with each other. why is he so distant? every time i text him i think he will respond. i have tried not texting but it only lasts a couple of days lol. what do i do ? This is a guy who really genuinly liked me as a person and who always wanted to spend time with me before. he also told one of his friends once that he thought he was in love with me. but its gone oh so different now lol... if i dont keep in touch we will lose touch as obviously if he doesnt respond to my contact he wont respond to no contact, right ???!!!! thanks a lot for helping really appreciate it xx

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Maybe the guy was a bit shocked that you had romantic feelings for him, and is keeping his distance for a while to give himself a chance to sort it out in his head? He may have been happy with you two being 'just friends'. i know some guys who find it quite refreshing to be friends with a girl without the idea being there that it could lead to something more, and because you brought this up, he may now wonder if you could go back to being just mates, as he may find it awkward now to talk to you about girlfriends etc, as he knows your feelings. I think you did the right thing, i am a firm believer in being true to your feelings so well done for admitting them to him, at least now the ball is in his court.

On the other hand, as you say, he admitted once that he thought he was in love with you, so maybe he is worried that if you do get together, in case it all goes wrong it might ruin your friendship.

If i were you, i would leave off from texting him for a few days (if you can!) and see if he contacts you. If not, why don't you call him and speak to him about it rather doing it by text message. If he doesn't answer or return your calls, i would consider forgetting about him. You could also try to visit him or send him letter or email explaining your feelings?, but as i say, the ball is in his court and if he doesn't respond, maybe its time to move on. X X

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Think of it this way: when you really like a guy, you are into him on both a physical and mental level, and can't get him off your mind, would you dodge his text messages for three weeks? Do you honestly think that he's just 'not getting' them?


There could be a number of explanations for this. One thing I'm absolutely sure of, is that any time a man has been seriously interested in me, he calls when he says he will, and wants to see me all the time.


I understand that you like him, but it doesn't seem like he's going to show you the same feelings in return. Two/ three weeks is a long time to go without contact at all. I think it would be in your best interest to be a bit more realistic about him. Men who are interested in us will call/ text/ contact us on a very regular basis and want to know what's going on in our lives.

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I'd say its probably time to stop texting him, I think if they were welcome, he would probably be replying by this point. Maybe he will contact you again in a few days, maybe not..but what is the point in continuing on to text him with no response, I am sure it does not make you feel great to sit there anxious for a reply that does not come, right?


Perhaps after some time, he realized he is not comfortable with you having feelings for him, at least not yet, and is trying to distance himself from the situation with you in order to not feel discomfort as he may have.


I would seriously doubt he has somehow "missed" all of your texts.


When a guy is interested in you, and wants to be with you, he will NOT risk losing you, plain and simple. No contact or not, a guy who wants to be with you and around you will let you know, especially when the door is so open - ie you are initiating it.


I'd say for whatever reason he is just not interested at this point in time, it hurts, but it happens in life. Start moving forward and on, you never know what the future holds

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We tend to go for those who are somewhat aloof, and independent. Text messages get old real quick (IMO). Don't text him for now. Give him a call in a few days to say hi, and see how that goes. Meanwhile, show some independence and aloofness right now. Call him and leave a message if he doesn't pick up. Then, when he calls miss his call and give him a call the next day or several hours later.


Also, don't believe that someone can fall in love with you within a 2-3 week period - this is commonly known as infatuation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who knows why he said he thought he loved you and then disappeared. I am sorry you have to go through that it sounds confusing, but actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, his non-response shows that right now he is avoiding you. Maybe he will come back around but all you can do is either move on or wait.

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