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Lousy corrective surgery...

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Okay, this is just a vent. I was told that due to the way my jaw had devloped, that it was improper. That I would have problems because the muscles had to stretch to support it. So, I got the surgery. Well it's day number 5 and I can't talk. It sucks. It will maybe be about 2 weeks before things get really better. Until then, I can do nothing. Joy.

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My sister had to have her jaw broken on both sides and pieces sawed out and then the edges rebolted back together, followed by her mouth being wired shut for 6 weeks. (when she was 16) She was very frustrated!


I am sorry that you had to go through this, but it sounds like it will help you in the long run, and you can always vent here what you can't get out on paper at home!


Good luck!

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