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How to end letter?


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Quickly, I need some different ways to end letters. Writing to GF of a few months and not quite IN love, but don't want to end love. shes going off to college, freshman year, so perhaps along the lines of leaving / luck


Im horrible at writting letters, but she dropped an obvious hint that she is writting me a letter, so I am doing the same.

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You could end it by saying how much she means to you, and how proud u are of her (attending college)....and that she should know she has you as support, whenever she needs to talk....And that a little distance will only make your relationship strong.


Something lilke that.....give or take a few words.

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I like the sentence idea, especially if you say something along the lines of "I'm thankful/happy to be in a relationship with you and hope it will last as you go through college/despite the distance." Just be sincere and genuine with what you say; you don't have to profess much. Or, if you don't want to say anything along the lines of the relationship explictly, just put something that says you're looking forward to getting her letter and hearing from her again (if you send out yours before she does).

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