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i need girl help


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wow i really need some help from probably you older guys and girls. im 14 and theres this really hot girl in like half my classes. i really want to talk to her but i dont know what to talk about. every time i try to start another conversation this girl that had a crush on me always interrupts her and like kills the conversation. i would ask her out but i dont have a car and cant drive for half a year. im so confused. please help me out here...


-please help me


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Is it necessary to have to drive anywhere?


You could always walk or use public transport. Or meet her somewhere.


Some people don't have public transportation (my city doesn't). And some people live to far away from all of the main attractions near their city or too far away from the other person's house.


I would, however, suggest meeting her somewhere.


Or, do you have any siblings who can drive? Maybe they would be willing to give you a ride. Having someone closer to your age than a parent may be a little less awkward.


I can understand where driving could be an issue. One of the pieces of advice I still remember from my bitter old 4th grade teacher (the only thing I can remember) is that if the guy can't drive, it's not a date.

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The best way to break the ice is by talking about things in class or around school. Nice, low-key things that get people talking. Try sitting at a tanle with her during lunch talk with her a few times before you ask her out. And as far as not having a ride, I don't put much faith in the stereotypical date, meaning that I don't think a date has to be something where you take a girllin your car and drive off somewhere. A date CAN be that but it can also be something casual. If there's a mall inear your town, try asking her to meet you somewhere there for a movie or ice cream or something.

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