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Just thinking..

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Have you ever wanted that perfect kiss and that perfect guy. Like a prince charming.. But prince charming really only exsists in a fairy tale or a movie right? I have always wanted that, and I haven't found it. That guy who would do anything for you, anything to be with you, that guy who looks in your eyes not your chest. Doesn't care what you wear or what you look like. Who always makes you feel special and wanted. That totally takes your breath away. Sorta like that movie A cinderalla story. I have a boyfriend myself and he doesn't excactly a prince charming. I wish I could tell him everything that I'm typing at this very moment and I have pretty much resited what I was going to say. But when you get there and he's there looking at you, you can't seem to get the words to come out no matter how much you want them to. For me being in a relationship I like affection and just being called out of no where. Getting a gift for no reason at all, only because they are thinking about you. *sigh* That's my childish fairytale fantasy. What thought do you have?

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But prince charming really only exsists in a fairy tale or a movie right?


To be honest, yes . . .only in movies does prince charming exist.



I have always wanted that, and I haven't found it. That guy who would do anything for you, anything to be with you, that guy who looks in your eyes not your chest. Doesn't care what you wear or what you look like. Who always makes you feel special and wanted. That totally takes your breath away. Sorta like that movie A cinderalla story.


If you had a guy who did anything for you, anything to be with you, and who only looked into your eyes . . . .you wouldn't want him. There are guys who can make you feel special though, and those are normally the ones you keep. Otherwise, no man could nor should live up to be prince charming. I can understand at your age, how you can picture an ideal man though.

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I don't know if he thinks i'm a perfect girlfriend, I have never asked him or wondered. I know I'm not though. Neither is he. Just don't know how to tell him the things I have always wanted to tell my partners.. you know like deep thoughts.. When I tell people what i'm thinking about they just say "Oh.. cool" And then that's it. Afraid to tell my partner deep thoughts because if I get the same anwsers I always get or if he laughs at me then I will be emarrased or sad. I know if he is a good boyfriend he won't laugh but i'm the kind of person who kinda hides my feelings. But it's still fun to imagine my prince charming. I love watching all those kinds of like laugh movie.. well duh i'm girl and they're chick flicks 8)

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well, I will say that from waht I've heard, and seen for that matter although I've never been in a relationship, Most people haave flaws. The point of loving someone is to love them for all they are. I believe that "prionce/princess charmings" do exist. I mean, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'd do anything for my first love, whenever I find her. But I also think that the type of dedication found in stories such as Romeo and Juliet is very rare. Because part of a successfull relationship means meeting each other half way. I believe an ideal relationship would be one n which neither side feels they have to give up any part of who they are for the other person. So, in summation, such people do exist but love is just far too complicated for it to work out that way all the time.



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I don't think there is a such thing as a "perfect guy." No one can attain perfection. However, if your really lucky you may find a guy who comes real close. I think at your age, every girl goes through a phase of wanting her Prince Charming...lol. Must be because of all those disney movies like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty...we grow up watching. But in time you will come to understand that perfection isn't important...because love is never perfect. It is unpredictable, and that's what makes it exciting. For now, try opening up to your bf about your feelings. Don't jeopardize this relationship or any other in the future waiting for "Prince Charming" to come along. Who know's if there is even such a thing outside of a television set?

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That guy who would do anything for you, anything to be with you


There are some things that many people would never compromise to be with another person. And I think that is completely valid, because anyone who is worth having won't even want you to give up on your goals and dreams. There is a distinct difference between doing everything for a relationship and doing what is healthy for your relationship while keeping your own personal needs on hand. That's something I've recently found out. That, and nothing is ever perfect. The perfect relationship would never be as much fun as the relationships in reality.


Prince charming is a toad.

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The main problem with dreaming about a perfect partner is that you are setting a standard that no one could possibly meet and thereforeeee dooming any potential relationship to failure before it even begins.


Relationships are about balance and compromise - and that means that sometimes you have to settle for less than perfection.

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DN raised a good point: If you want your prince charming to come along, then you have to be princess charming to him. It has to work both ways. I am sure there are lots of guys out there who be a prince charming to you, but you have to be charming yourself if you have any chance of attracting them. Here are some things that I find make a girl a "princess charming," and which give her a chance of finding that perfect "prince"


1. Always think positively, and say positive things about the opposite sex, and for you that means saying positive things, not negative things, about guys. Making anti-male comments won't get you far


2. Be kind and compassionate to everyone, and especially to the poor. MOst guys, atleast the ones you want to attract, will take notice....


3. Smile and make eye contact with guys


4. Really care about how guys feel.


5. Dress attractively, but not seductively....


6. Be submissive, but don't let anyone unduly take advantage of you.


7. Don't give sex to a guy until he marries you.......


I feel many of the things you feel. WHen it comes to romantic love, I am too much of an idealist. I think I have watched the movie "Romeo and Juliet" 60 times so far. And never gotten bored.


I want to be romantic and be in love everyday for the rest of my life. I want to cuddle and dance with my future wife every single day until we die. (and after death, who knows what happens????). Every day I want to tell my wife how beautiful she is, and how she is even more beautiful than all the beautiful girls in the world put together. I want to cuddle her, listen to her, be with her, be intimate with her, share my deepest thoughts and dreams with her, dance with her, play with her hair, play with all of her body....eat together, sleep together, write poems together, smile together, travel together, travel into each other's minds, give to each other, have children together, build a home together, with a white fence, her favourite flowers, and a massive Canadian flag outside, with children running around, and i want to be with her, I want to go to sleep lying on her chest so I can hear her heart beat, and want to go to sleep with her in my arms, I want to carry her, and I want to massage her, I want to know her, and I want to know her dreams, her thoughts, her fears, her ideas, her feelings, her paradigms, I want to feel her heart beat. I want to have a house filled with hundreds of pictures of us together. I want to invite everyone in the world to our wedding, so everyone will be able to see how much we love each other, and how much we are committed to each other. Anyway, thats my dreams.......

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Thanks for all your inputs it really helps . It's nice to know you have opinions unlike my friends who don't really care and say oh.. cool whenever I talk about what i'm thinking about. I can relate with I love kisses and hugs I have watched The phantom of the opera so many times and I still cry on it lol. And I never get bored with it. And the characters the acters play you wish that you had a guy like that. Most guys want sex and all that, that really bugs me. I don't know many descent guys. Does anyone? I know when your in a relationship you evenally get into those things but sometimes you aren't ready. Just like if you are going out for not very long and your partners asks you to something like that and you say it's to soon. But just like some of you guys I want to be in love every day and be romantic every day. Are guys just shy to something romantic or to say their feelings to a girl?

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I think it has to do with the type of family you are raised in. For me, I never have really felt a part of my family, so I want to invest all my effort into creating a happy family, and the foundation of a happy family is a romantic, intimate, bonded marital relationship, which has lots of hugs and cuddles, lots of time together, open conversation, lots of dates, lots of giving of flowers and other gifts (including the wife giving gifts to the husband...has to work both ways) and sharing our dreams, our fears, our hopes, our tears, eating together, doing chores together, writing love poems to each other, having lots of sex, being intimate with each other, complimenting each other, complimenting each other in front of others, telling my wife how and why she is more beautiful than all beautiful girls in the world put together...and building a happy family together....

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