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Just some ramblings


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Ive never really written any poetry before, but Ive always wanted to. My gf and I have been having a hard time lately, and I really needed to get some feelings out, so I just wrote down some short random feelings. Please tell me what you think, or feel free to give me any kind of specific or general advice.


As the sky cries it's final tears for us, so do I

Sitting, waiting, and counting the seconds until that time

Begging for your touch, but afraid of it too


My heart has burned for you since the beginning

But now it burns for a different reason

The flame of passion and the heat of romance are no more

Now there is a burning anger raging in my heart


Why does her love have to hurt the way it does?

How can something so simple and serene and beautiful

turn into this frantic mesh of anger, guilt, and grief?

I long for one last touch of her cheek,

one last kiss on her forehead,

one last warm embrace

Never before have I hoped for anything more

That we will one day be joined again

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