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Does Anyone Else Have This Problem?


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By boyfriend and I have dated for 4 years, and now we're living long-distance (2 hours) from each other. We see each other often considering the distance (at least 2-3 times a month). He's in school and I am just starting up a new job. We talk on the phone everyday, but lately our conversations are, well, kinda BLEH. It's almost like we've run out of things to talk about. Does anyone else have this problem?

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My fiance and I both just graduated from college, and for 2 years we went to schools that were two and a half hours away, so I mos def understand what you are going thru. After you talk about your day, it's like, it's hard finding other stuff to talk about. I don't think it really has that much to do with you guys just breaking up. You may want to try watching tv together when you are on the phone. Since you both probably do that anyway, you could tune into the same show. It's not as good as snuggling up and watching tv, but it's still nice. Also, my fiance and I would have this competition where we'd see who knew the most about the other person. I'd say something like, "What's my favorite movie", and he'd answer and we'd go back and forth. You'd be surprised that even though you talk so much, there is still alot you don't know about him. Also, there is this book/game called "Would You Rather" where there are these crazy choices to choose one, and you absolutely have to choose one. They're fun to talk about. A little silly, but still fun. If all else fails, sometimes, in my opinion, it's ok to just sit in silence. It's like you get to be with them even though they aren't there.


Hope this helps, and good luck!

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