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Break Up Lines


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Alright everyone, I wanted to get a thread going about break up lines. Lines either said by the dumper or the dumpee. Give me your thoughts and what you think they really mean. Please feel free to add your own meanings to the lines I've given or come up with new ones. It's cool and alright if you're funny with them. Sometimes people on here are too depressed. Have a good time with this and let it rip. All I ask is that you keep it short. Thanks everyone.




1.Let's be friends-They want you as insurance. In case they don't find Mr or Mrs. Right, you'll do.

2.I don't want to break up with you-cleary this is one said by the dumpee. They fail to see the problems in the relationship

3.I'm the best thing that ever happened to you-you're a bottom feeder and they showed pity on you. You should be lucky to be treated like horse dung.

4.You'll never find anyone like me-one of my personal favorites. When a woman says that to me I want to say, I hope not. Before we dated I thought George Bush was the Anti-Christ.

5.We should start seeing other people-they've already started seeing other people and so should you.

6.I need time to find myself-they need to time to wonder how in the hell they ever dated you or they really have no clue who they are…either way get the hell out….quick.


Just food for thought. C'mon I want to hear some good responses.

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I don't like this one : 2.I don't want to break up with you-cleary this is one said by the dumpee. They fail to see the problems in the relationship


I think the dumper fails to fix the problems in the relationship.


I'm not being egotistical here, but it's clear that alot of people don't want to break up it's natural to be that way if you love someone. But saying that they fail to recognise the problems in the relationship is misunderstood concept. Who knows there could lots of reasons as to why people say that, but for one thing they don't want to give up on love.



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I can tell you a few of them that my ex said but they were lame excuses.


1. She has issues need to resolve.


2. I AM ALWAYS AROUND.- Well now I am not always around what then.


3. Feeling pressured by her parents in getting married and having kids.


4. She wants to buy a house and a car, but then she still lives at home.


5. Too much on my plate.


6. I am bothering her when I sent the birthday card but then a week later act like nothing happened and start talking to me.

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Where have you been Lightn? It's been a while.


1.Let's be friends - I only want out the relationship; not your life.


2.I don't want to break up with you - sympathy vote.


3.I'm the best thing that ever happened to you - Thinks they are Qusai-God. It's more like 'How Could You!?'.


4.You'll never find anyone like me - 'I'm Special!', 'I was Great!'. How pathetic.


5.We should start seeing other people - Either: she's sleeping around; or she wants to.


6.I need time to find myself - The 'dumpee' is being too needy/clingy. They feel suffocated.

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How about...and my list is kind of long, she was firing all sortts of things at me:


You're amazing and I still had doubts

I can't appreciate you right now

I need to be selfish

I lost myself in us and need to find me again

Its just not what i want right now - like tomorrow it may be?

Destiny will decide if we are meant to be together- was it Destiny that decided to make me take you back the first time?

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1. I need some space (or we need to take a break)- this can be thought as a prebreak up, break up, its used to soften the blow.


2. I love you but I'm not in love with you- The dumpee is lost and doesnt know what to feel because they are questioning their feelings, most likely they had no concept of what love was in the first place.


3. Its not me, its you- there is something wrong with you.


4. The relationship lacks "chemistry or passion"- there feelings have changed and they dont want to be with you anymore, most likely they are confused.

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I love you but am not IN love with you - I don't love you, it's over. By the way, I've been talking to someone else on the side.


I need time to find myself - I can't think of any BETTER reason, but this one sounds good to me so it's over


You deserve someone better - I've found someone else.


I want to be with you down the road, just not right now. - I'm lying to you because I am trying to minimize the impact of breaking up with you.


I need more time to think, we'll talk about it in "x" amount of time - give me time to come up with a good reason to break up with you, because I don't have the brainpower to come up with something right now.

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As you can tell, I prefer to take things at face value...for the most part.


1) I love you, but you're not the One - You're not the One


2) It's cliche, but its not you it's me - It's you, you're not the One. Or we just are not working together, so it's both of us.


3) You're perfect...on paper - in reality is just does not work and you're not for me. Or I hate the way you eat. Or laugh.


4) Somethings missing - somethings missing and it's not worth me sticking around.


5) Let's be friends - let's be friends, and I either am saying it to lead you on, to soften the blow, or I genuinely do want your friendship. If the latter, I will put the work into it to make it happen.


6) We should see other people - You're not the One. I think there is better, and maybe I already found them.


7) I need more space, and time - I need more space, without you there.


8) I am too busy - I am too busy for you. You are not a priority or important enough.


9) There is so much I want to do in my life - without you there.


10) I'm scared to be in a committed relationship - I'm scared cause I really don't want to be stuck with you the rest of my life and am already envisioning how to break up with you.


11) I don't want a committed relationship anymore - I don't want you anymore. If the girl of my dreams (or man) walked in tomorrow, I'll be married in 6 months.


12) You've changed - either I've changed and want something else, something better, or you really HAVE changed...either physically, or mentally...and it is not working for them anymore.


And so on

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When I asked my ex why he was acting so mean and how he could treat me the way he was...(we were best friends for 5 yrs n dated for a yr) n he said they say that u always hurt the ppl u love....



R U SERIOUS????????


now granted he is bipolar and he was off his meds at the time, but still...cmonnnnnn

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