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My first post in about 10 months - just needing some1 2tlk 2

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Just kinda want to follow from last year - quick run down:

I went to Uni with my boyfriend and while I was there we spilt, treated me like dirt and really messed me up (i suffered with depression) He threw his back in my face and in the end physically attacked me. I literally crumbled as a result I quit uni.


Since my last posts my life has got sooo much better, I'm over him, have a new fantasic Boyfriend, and above all got into a great (and better university) However thats the probem - Uni. I meant to be going back ina month and I don't think I can face it. Even when I visited the uni's, I got soo upset, it brought back so many bad memories - I don't actually want to go in case I'm left in the same state I was last year.


Doing this Biology course is all I have wanted to do with my ife, I have real ambition however I don't want to fall back into bad depression again. I'm already pushing people in my life away including my boyfriend and have become cutting myself over trhe smallest things again. This is all down to worry!


Anyway I just wanted to talk to someone and let it all out! Thank god for this website! x

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Yes, this website is nice. But if your still depressed about what happened to you, it is a good idea to take a break. But if you want to work in biology, you need to go back. I know it's hard, but you have friend and a boyfriend who who be willing to help you. Good luck!

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