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Awake, Please read and reply


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The feelings of conscious being re-kindled.

Cold and alone in this concrete womb I have sealed myself in.

I wander around in the vast silent abyss i chose to separate in.

Immortality is a burden not meant for the weak.


Again I walk with the grace of a twice fallen angel, as if I'd never slept.

Soft pale skin that adorns my body cold to the touch.

Smooth against the concrete of my chamber door.

How easily the door swings open, as if god beconed it.


The horror I see to find my lifes work undone.

The bridges I struggled to build, burnt to the ground.

And the paths I had cleared overrun with proven mortality.

My life I slaved away to save a race from themselves.


A tear comes to my eyes at the violence around.

Brother versus brother in a cycle of endless desecration.

My immortality has cursed me to view the world undone.

This is you so-called humanity?



Oppinions are welcome and appreciated, what do you guys/girls think?

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