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I know this is a long topic and I know Ive talked about Jerry alot in all of my other topics, but I need some advice. About 2-3 months ago my boyfriend(ex boyfriend now(Jerry)) went away to california, and never contacted me. And also there were all of these rumors like he was moving to california, or he was cheating on me, or going to dump me, or he was going to move there for an excuse to dump me. So on the 4th of July I got fed up about the rumors and the no contacting and my friend Karsha(Ive talked about her alot in my other topics also.) nagging me about dumping him, so I dumped him. It has been a little more than 1 month since then and I was doing just fine, I moved on and started dating my recent boyfriend(Earl). And me and him are doing really good besides getting in one or two little itty bitty fights. But the other night my friend Jessica came on and said that Jerry was back!!!!!! I was so shocked and scared that he might hate me. And last night she told him that I said sorry and he said it was cool. Also today my friend Chelsey had him and a friend(Jordan) call to make sure that he really was home and he was. She told him a whole bunch of things and he told her alot too. But HE LIKES HER!!!! And at first she said she would never ever date him or ever like him again! But she turned around and she really likes him now. I feel like ive been stabbed in the back because she knew how much I loved him(and still do love him!)! She also asked him why he didn't keep in contact with me and he said that he forgot my #. So I had her give him my #. And he called me. He appologized for not contacting me, he said he got the 234 and 235 mixed up. And I said it was ok. I could tell that he was really hurt for me braking up with him for Earl. And I was so sad. I love him, I really do. But I have Earl and im happy with him. One side of me tells me to Dump Earl and hook back up with him, and the other part says DONT because he's moving to decatur.... Im in alot of pain right now and I do not know what I should do... I was wondering if any of you could help me with my problem. I love both of them, and ive already broke Jerry's heart once, I dont want to break his again, or Earls at all for that matter. I dont know what to do!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i am going to pass on some advice to you that someone recently gave me when i had a similar crisis: All you have to do............(are you ready?)................is choose one guy. You can't have them both so just pick one. No one can tell you who to choose - not even here - so it's up to you. I know you'll make the right decision...good luck

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okay obviously: follow your heart. however based on your situation my advice would be to stay with your current bf. because as genuine as your ex seems its just a lillll too flaky. i mean im sure it mustve been somewhat embaressing all this back and forth. (gawwwd how patethic middle schoo lwas) but i also know how the feelings we had back then are just as strong. so yeah it seems just a bit to weird that he would even tell you he was moving and whatever thers just no excuse. and if you're happy with earl then great i really think you should get over jerry. i mean if you find yourself way too torn then its really not fair to either of them and you should be single and just say straight up that you need some time.

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Do the right thing. You're happy with Earl. Why would you break his heart just to go back to a guy who couldn't find a way to contact you or someone who knows you in the 2-3 months he was in Cali? Believe me if a guy really likes you, he'll move mountains to get your phone number.

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