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why ignore my calls?

Blue Skittles

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Ok - so this girl USED to be like my best friend. We grew apart and stuff over the years but we always kept in touch. I recently went back home and visited her too and I realized there wasn't was much as connection as there used to be but still we got along and we had a lot of fun.


Anyways, past that, about a month or so ago she calls me balling because she has these constant headaches and is going to get checked out for them and stuff and I was nothing but supportive to her. I sat and listened to her, I always called once a week to check how she is doing, everything i could do from so far away.


So now I'm tryin to call her, to catch up, and I never get a bloody answer on the phone. After a month of trying to call here and there I got suspicious so I dialed *67 so my number wouldn't show up on call display and she answered. I was kinda mad so i just hung up didn't want to call her out for it, it coulda been the ONE time she was just home. SO then i called back 5-10 minutes later and her boyfriend answeres the phone and said "no shes out visiting so and so" and I was like "uhhhh... ok, do you know when she left?" and he was like "ohhh i'd say bout half an hour ago.". Yeah right buddy I just called 5 minutes and she answers.


Anyways I have no clue why she is ignoring my calls. She has no reason to, i just dont get it. Man tonight is just one of those nights, all i want is someone to talk to and go through and dial 15 numbers and no one is home... or maybe they are all ignoring me who knows.

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No offense, but it sounds like she was using you as a crutch. When she had a problem, even though you two hadn't talked in years, she went to you. When you solved it, then she left and went on. I would not worry about it and move on. That's my advice. Good luck.

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Well, her boyfriend is not the jealous type or anything - he is very nice and when i visited we all got along great. I have a feeling she is jealous of me though - just cuz like over the past couple years she gained a lot of weight and I actually lost a lot of weight since high school, that and I have a degree and finished school and am out on my own in the single world and she is tied down with her boyfriend, i dunno. Maybe we are just 2 different people now but i don't see why she would PURPOSELY ignore my calls. I think its just plain rude when people do that.


Anyways. thats my rant on that..

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I've been through stuff like this too, and it hurts.


Some people are users, and once their needs are met, they 'disappear'...they will ignore calls, not respond to emails, etc UNLESS they need something.


Try this: don't call or email her for one month, and see if she contacts you at all...if she doesn't, then you know that this was one-sided, and unfortunately, she took advantage of your caring nature. If she does contact you, pay attention to whether or not it is all about her.


Has she EVER called you to ask how you are doing? How you are feeling? If not, then she is probably not going to in the future.

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