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If you say that you need to find a girl ASAP this sounds desperate. Going away to a university for the first time is hard. There's many responsibilities and it's a new phase of your life. I wouldn't worry so much about finding a girl ASAP if I were you. Just go out, meet people, be open and you will find someone who likes you and respects you as much as you like and respect them. You seem like a nice guy who is not just into using girls for sex, so don't rush things. You will meet someone wonderful when you least expect it. It's not like the first week of school all of the good girls are taken.



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All the ones who get taken early, won't stay taken. Many won't stay taken for long. Don't worry about it too much, and DON"T BE DESPARATE. Being desparate in effect is about the same as using manure for cologne.


Work on your skills. Work on reading body language and you won't be so clueless about when she is interested.

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This seems like a VERY odd way to go about getting a "great long term girlfriend". I'd prefer a guy got to know me a bit before wanting me to commit for the sake of him "having someone". University takes 3-4 years or more to go through, all the "good girls" will not be taken in the first week forever, and most people in uni will date, breakup, meet other people, meet different people, learn more about themselves and what they want. It's not a RACE to "get someone".


There are also MANY people at university you will meet and have opportunity to know better - through classes, clubs and so on. Be patient, and you'll meet someone...if your rush to be with someone you might find yourself missing on the person who really is right for you

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there is something really strange about that first week or first few weeks. People fall in and out of love like crazy. I applaud you'r approach to realtionships and I feel that the hooking up quick way of going about it is, well, shallow. meaningful relationships, I feel take time. this is probably one reason why I've never been in a relationship. Don't try to hook up with a girl to "measure up" to the other guys. If you're slow and sincere, you're bound to meet women who appreciate that sort of thing

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Santa - not all women are like that. Some of us have brains, a conciense, morals, values, that would not have us sleeping with four people in one week. We are not sheep who do what everyone else is doing, or fall into bed with any guy that makes eyes at us. Stop applying a few things your buddy tells you to be true, or to be true to everyone. Good lord, not even all men are like that.


Many women and men get through university having NOT slept around! Some of us get through having been in COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS the entire time. And yes, some of us even do that WHILE LIVING IN RESIDENCE/DORMS!


If a girl is so casual about sleeping around, do you really want to be committed to her? If someone treats sex THAT casually, I am not so sure they will be ready, or suitable, in a long term relationship either.

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Don't try and rush it, snatch a girl, lock her in your room and tell her she's your long term girlfriend lol.


All joking aside, not all girls are going to be sexually active on campus. Not all of them will get drunk.


The ones that don't are the ones you should be looking for anyway.


Good Luck.

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meeting people in college is the easiest thing in the world. Especially being a freshman, everyone WANTS to make friends!! so just be out going, and try to know as many people as you can. The more people you have connections with.. the easier it will be to go to a party and be able to socialize with whoever is there... the more you socialize, the more confident you'll be ... the more confident you are.. the easier it will be to get girls.


if you are really concerned with a girl's past, you will probably have some trouble finding someone.. not saying that everyone fools aroudn w/ people.. but alot of girls at school seem to have no problem having a one night stand atleast once or twice....

also, alot of girls might not WANT a relationship their first year in college... you might be better off being friends.. and forming a strong relationship.. THAN pushing for dating.....


either way, good luck, college ROCKS!! and i cant wait to go back

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I think I understand what your saying Raykay.


My knowledge of what happens isnt what a buddy told me, it's what everyone has told (boys, girls, parents etc), I just mentioned my buddy because of his story of sleeping with everyone around him.


I do agree with you that I don't really want a woman who will go sleeping around, but if I go to the other extreme and go with a girl who isn't sexual, im not sure I will find her attractive, and I will probably be quite bored.


I guess it's a not very clear cut choice.




All women are sexual. Some have hang ups that have them repress their sexual nature. Most of these can be worked with. Women like men want a partner who is sexual with them and wants them. Those shy virgins lurking in the corners of campus may be anything but shy behind closed doors with the right guy. But that guy is going to have to make them feel comfortable.

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