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if you read my last couple posts youll know the situation.


i feel 1" tall right now. i cant believe i was such an idiot to believe this girl.

i just found out shes seeing another guy. i was blown away when i heard that. she told me everything i wanted to hear and i actually believed her and that she wasnt thsi type of girl. i was actually going to give her a call tonight to say hello................not anymore. i deserve better then this.

so in the past month this girl has........cheated on her boyfirend of 6 years.

dumped him. hooked up with me, lead me me to believe i was this amazing guy, then starts seeing someone else. what the???


i cant blame anyone but myself. i should have seen the red flag that night she was ready to hookup with me while still with her boyfriend of 6 years.

why do i always get "tricked" and why couldnt she be honest?

im 28 years old i dont need this highschool crap.

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a better question may be why do you think it is your fault? You do not control what she does, there was no real way for you to know she would cheat on you, although her past may have been a good indicator, I believe in giving the benifit of a doubt every once in a while.

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she assured me she wasnt that type of girl. she said it was just "me". she couldnt resist.

i know i should have seen the flag but when youve been single for two years and a girl comes out of no where and kinda "sweeps" you off your feet its hard to resist. i fell fo rher hard unfortuantly. im actually very shocked.....................now i suppose i shouldnt be. im such an idiot i dont know why i do this to myself.

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You took a chance, and you lost, it's all part of the "thrill of life" so to speak, if we didn't take any chances like the one you took, life wouldn't be very bloody interesting now would it? You got burned, I'm sure by 28 you realize that there are other fish in the sea.

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ive been "single" for 2 years for a reason. i just havent met anyone in those two years i was totally attracted to physically and mentally.

i fell hard for this girl and i cant believe she was "that type".


being hard on myself is all i can do. its not like im going to call her and tell her how disapointed i am. she broke my number one policy......honesty. we even had a long talk about this one day. she said she was the same way. so here i am..............wondering what i did? or didnt do? why would she fill my head full of hope and then run off with some other guy?? isnt that alittle cruel and disrespectfull or am i just some over sensative guy?? i just dont get it.

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Anyone who goes after an attached girl should remember this: on the other end is someone else, and that someone else deserves respect as well. Yeah, maybe the relationship sucks, and maybe she wants out of it, but dont try and be the reason, it wont last and it is a very mean thing to do. Hold back and let her sort her stuff out first, obviously she hadnt and you got burned.


As someone who got dicthed for another guy, I want to feel little sympathy for you, but in reality I would be more angry at her for doing this to two guys, you and the one she ditched. It's pretty selfish behanviour dont you think?

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Hey man, I feel your pain...not in the exact same situation b/c I dont know the girls past...but I know what it's like. Found out one nite at a party from my best bud that some girl I'd been messing around with/dating had just started dating some other guy like a week ago. Needless to say...I didn't seem to care at the party, but later that nite the alcohol had it's effect and it sunk in. I don't care tho now...glad I didn't get too attached...I think I'm just going to cut it off tho, she's contacted me a few times, but I haven't returned...it's just for the better...have to know when to quit sometimes. Good luck...

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Friend, you should be mad, but only at her. None of this is your fault and you have to believe this. As a natural reflex you will be more cautious next time, so have faith. Stay strong and realize there's better out there for you. Be glad you found out about her deceptive ways before you two became real serious or got married or had kids!

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i am glad i learned this now then after investing a lot more.

on the other hand i am very disapointed that this girl turned out to be this way. you never can tell can you. she's got no idea what she is doing at this point in her life. that there in itself is enough to step away.

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we should start a movement. anytime we see somebody who wants to cheat on their partner with us, play along with it, and when they finally dump their partner, use them, then dump them. it'll teach them not to cheat!

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we should start a movement. anytime we see somebody who wants to cheat on their partner with us, play along with it, and when they finally dump their partner, use them, then dump them. it'll teach them not to cheat!


That might work. Once someone did it to me, it stopped me. I never wanted to make anyone feel that way.

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  • 6 months later...

We learn from our mistakes. Stuff like this happens to nearly all of us so that we experience it and not be so careless in the future. The guy I was with. I hooked up with him knowing about his vile reputation. i just believed those pathatic words coming out of his mouth. Next time I'll bare in mind the saying, actions speak louder than words. Ironically, i remember one of our conversations whereby he said "I know they say actions speak louder than words...but words can mean a lot..." Bull * * * *. I've learnt my lesson now. I was stupid.

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