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Girl at work:Need To Ask Her Out:She & I are Shy


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So there is this girl who is crushing on me. I am on her as well. We don't get to talk much because she and I are on differen't jobs within the same place of employment. We can always see each other and often get small moments where we pass by each other. Each time she or I will make friendly comments or give each other a big smile. I have talked to her one on one for very small moments. One time are breaks overlapped about 5-10 minutes and we talked about things like where we lived, how old, what kind of school stuff we were doing soon and some real basic "get to know you" stuff. Every time she sees me or talks to me she has a huge smile on her face. And so do I. Seems as if she is absolutely in to me right?


Here comes the twist to this plot. My girlfriend, who works with this girl who is in to me, said one time how much of a crush this girl has on me. My gf said she was saying how this girl was saying I was cute and everything. That was when me and my gf were still close. Now we just ignore each other at work and we are basically over with. But I haven't officialy broken up with her yet. So yes, my gf and hopefully my future gf work together at the same store as I do. I think this could lead to some trouble. Anyway, I am just going to go with it. Because I do not want to regret not pursing this other girl because I can say right now that she is really good.


Some problems with it We are both shy about going with it. Although I have good confidence and am going through with it because like I said, I can't let this girl go and regret it later. We rarely work the same hours. Even if we do, we hardly get to talk to each other. She lives like almost more than a half hour away from me. She is one year ahead of me and will be a freshman in college soon while I will be a senior in highschool. Good thing though her college is less than 15 min away from me. I don't think she will be leaving my life, but still I need to ask her out soon because you never know what will happen.


Anyway I need some little tips on getting me and her to talk more to each other. What are some phrases I could use. And ultimately, once the day comes when we get off work at the same time and we walk out of the store together to our cars, what exactly should I say when I ask her out? I was thinking of saying something like, "So what are you doing this weekend." "If you ever want to hang out, let me know."

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i am in a similar sitaution as you. actually its exacly the same except for she is the one with the bf and we talk alot. I think its best to just to ask if she wud like to hang out sometime like go to a movie or something. Maby invite her to a party.

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I am not dating the other girl. We aren't even talking. It is just that we haven't officialy broken up. Also this other girl is one of those good girl types where as my gf is a bad girl type. I would rather have the good girl though. I just hope that my gf doesn't get angry or hateful toward this other girl.

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Ask her out! I feel like I am in a similar situation to you, with me being the girl, though my guy seems less into me than your girl is to you, and I would be so happy if my guy just asked me out. We don't get to talk much either, always in passing, but I would love to get to know him better. Just ask her if she is free at all at the weekend and if so would she like to go for a few drinks/coffee/catch a movie with you. Just ask her casually like you would ask a friend out and hope things move on from there. Do it, do it, do it!!

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