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Is it possible to form a bond with your best friend,.....


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If you have a best friend, wouldnt that immediately imply you already know about them and have a bond with them?

I am a little lost.

As for a normal friend, I believe it is true to form a bond before learning about someone. However, I wouldnt trust this bond until it was reinforced with an evidential respect and caring for one another through understanding of each others qualities.

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Well, 'B' and I have been friends for 5 years and I don't know much about her and vice-versa. We're best friends and I have formed a bond with her. It isn't a romantic bond. It is a strange bond though. I can feel what she is feeling at the time, whether it is pain, sadness, anger, etc.

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Maybe it is an ethereal spiritual bond between souls. This however is completely dependant on your beliefs.

Personally? I believe everything in the universe is connected to each other through their Kai, Chi, etc. Their energy. It is a beautiful connection, but generally a person needs to meditate to become aware of it completely.

Maybe you are more connected to this person than most others.


But these are only my beliefs...

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I believe everything in the universe is connected to each other through their Kai, Chi, etc. quote]



I concur Some people don't believe in past lives but I've had two experiences in my life where there is so much connection I believe we had to have known one another in a past life. One is a female and the other is a male. Both situations we know what the other one is thinking, what they are about to say, when they feel pain. A complete and total connection, to the point of being eerie. The gal was a classmate of mine who I had been friends with for some time through mutual friends. The more we hung out the more we both realized this connection we had. We both believe we had to have known one another in another life, possible as sisters or twins. We see each other rarely now (live in different towns) but the last time I did see her, when she saw me she burst out in tears the second she saw me and asked what was wrong before I could even say "Hi". Little did she know I was trying to save my marriage: my husband was having an affair and wanted a divorce.


My second experience is with my bf. It was an immediate connection to each other. Both of us felt like we knew each other from somewhere but really had never met. We too know what the other is thinking, finish each other's sentences, will know what the other person is about to say. I believe he is my soulmate.


So yes, I believe you can have a connection with someone you barely know and very well feel like they are your "best friend" because of such a strong connection.

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