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Further questions on Manic Depression....

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ok well I have posted before about worrying about being manic depressive. Right now I am really thinking I am. Yet, I hesitate because I can't exactly bring it up with my parents. My mom is certain that I don't have it or doesn't even realize it ( not saying I know for sure) and I can't exactly just go up to her or my dad and be all " Hey guys.. I think I need to go to the doctor to get checked out." That wouldn't work so well...


What do I do? I mean it worries me that I could possibly be a manic depressive but I don't want my parents to know that I am worried. Can I just wait until later to get it checked out? I mean if I am it isn't bad. I just don't really know what to do....

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Tell your parents that, even though they don't think that you are manic-depressive, that you feel that you have some issues that you would work out and that you would like to see a therapist. They should be supportive.


There's a lot of changes and anxiety ain life at your age and, maybe it's the 'manic-depression' word that's bothering her, as it may imply that you are not 'right'. So, instead, approach it form the fact that you have some issues and you would just like to speak to a profesisonal about them because you don't know exactly what they could be. And don't mention any particular maladies.

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I don't really want to bring it up though? I mean not now... Everything isn't exactly right at the moment.. SO much stuff is going on and I don't want them to think that their daughter is weird and faking it... and worry though I doubt they really would.. They would probably just get mad at me for thinking it. I don't know. I appreciate the replys I have received... thanks...

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Look, you can either see a doctor for your problems or not. You have to choices. Manic depression is the second most difficult psych disorder to treat (1st being schizophrenia) and NEEDS MEDICATION TO TREAT IT. Read this book called an unquiet mind (look on google). She, the author, suffers from it and lived throught deep pression, suicide, then manic phases of extreme productivity, impulsivity, and destruction. The only way she realized that she had was to comply with her medication and get weekly checkups in order to see that the lithium levels are in spec and will not kill her. I know that it is a scary thing but if you think you have manic depression then you have to seek help. Eventually, it will get worse and well.... you don't want that. I hope you do know what minic depression is and it's symptoms but you can't self diagnose yourself because you don't have a P.H.D. or PSY.D. Maybe you do have it, or you don't, I don't know. This is the internet for the love of god. Now, I'm signing off, good luck, and hopefully you follow this advise and not your own psych wannabee innane diagnosis that you will use to guide your life in the midst of a debilitating mental illness.


edit: and if you wanna see a doctor, tell you dad or mom that your sick and need to see your family doctor. Then tell the doctor what you wrote here.

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Don't try to analyze yourself for psych disorders. It tends to make one try to apply labels to themselves and can do more harm than good.


Only three items from me:


1. They typically have school counselors that you can talk to and, unless there is something serious requiring medical attention, they can be very discrete. If there is something requiring medical attention, they will typically notify your parents but, with the counselor to explain things, it will be much better.


2. Joe's idea to speak with your family physician is also very good.


3. If you, or someone you know, ever starts considering suicide, then you should call 1 (800) SUICIDE. They are a 24-hour hotline and will connect you with a certified crisis center which will be staffed by highly trained crisi line workers 24 hours a day.

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