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bad dream


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I woke up tonight

With tears in my eyes

I had a bad dream

That you wern't by my side

I woke with a fright

And was gasping for air

And with sweat dripping down my face

I thought life just isn't fair

It was only a dream

But it scared me to death

I sat there shaking

As I tried to catch my breath

What if it were true

And you really did leave?

What if you only left

The memories of you and me?

What if you left

Without a care

Just gave me a pat

And said "life just isn't fair"

I don't know why

It scared me so much

But at that moment

I needed your reassuring touch

I needed to hear you say

That everything would be ok

Thats when the phone rang

It was you

You apologized with shame

You didn't mean

For the call to be so late

But you'd had a bad dream

And couldn't wait

To hear my voice

Say it's ok

And as I thought

How much I love you

You told me about your dream

You needed me too

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thanx alot... yea, it sux that it didn't work out, but then again, a song by rascall flattes comes to mind...God bless the broken road... where he's talking about how he had to go through all this heartache and now he understood why, because it was leading him to the right person... and i've found a great guy now... i'm a firm believer that love is amazing, love can get you through alot of hard times, but in the end if all u have is love but he's not willing to change certain things about himself,and work to make the relationshp grow then it just can't work.. we're still great friends though... i don't know if what i just wrote made any sense, but it makes sense to me, lol....

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I love that song, and i totaly agree with it all. i have been down the road myself and i know you prolly wont agree with me on this one, but i too have found the perfect guy for me..that road helpd me get here. and speaking of Raskel flatts im going to see them in concert next friday how ironic...lol but yea..i understood what you said..

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omg, lucky u... they're my favorite group, and it's one of my favorite songs right now... love it... and i wouldn't disagree with u.. only u know when it feels right... thanx for the compliment on my poem, i'm glad u liked it

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I know they are great, i love the broken road and skin, its just so sweet, and yes i know that im the only on who knows but lots of people tend to disagree with my age on this thing. but im very mature for my age..its well known, and not a problem it really touched me, and im glad that you got to live threw that experiance..i know i love when my guy does things like that.

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well, we lost the connection when he started smoking weed..... I was trying to work through it with him, because we had so much history, so much to fight for, but in the end, he coudn't even spend one night with me without being high. I would ask him if we could just be together, and not have all the drugs/alcohol around us or whatever, and he'd say yes but then he'd be late picking me up, and his eyes would be all bloodshot, and I'd know what he'd done, so I guess i just got sick of fighting it... he's still a great friend, but I can't handle the whole drugs coming before me thing if you guys know what i mean.... lol, the guy i'm with now won't ever even touch the stuff, thank god....

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