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just havin a rough moment i guess


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Nobody understands

But you

It's eating me alive

And only you have ever understood this

Only you

Everyone else would run away

And I hold my words and fears and everything inside like the kiss

You never knew

You understood and that's what I miss

Only you could understand this

Something to fill that emptiness

Hold me, only you could make it go away

(Cuz I just can't take this without you)

That's what I miss the most

The way your eyes said it would be okay

You left me and now the nightmares are all that stay

Relationships are a game we play

Just hold me...it doesn't have to be the same

I don't want you to be stuck here forever

I just need the one thing that only you could give

Hold me til' I can find a reason to live, again

In the end...it could never be like it was

But I don't care

I just need to know you're there

In those little moments that you loved me

No one could ever love me more than that

They can say that they do but I know that they can't

You know about my past and the Hell life has put me through

Only you

And I need you now

To remember how truly weak I am

Only you knew

Only you cared

It's always only you in the end

And I need you still more than you know my friend

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The intensity of your feelings pours off the screen.... This expresses a lot of things that I wish somedays I could express to a person I once knew... After everything, that person is still someone I feel I need more than they (or anyone) will ever know...


Again, you get to the heart of the matter, and leave us feeling your emotions... Please, no matter what happens in your life, do not ever give up writing.

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Oh I hope the day never comes when I give that up. Writing is a huge part of what makes me who i am. Thank goodness there are so many words and feelings out there so I (hopefully) will never run out of fuel. Because if I ever get to the point where I can't find words to write...ick. What an awful spot. =/

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