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How can I tell my man to grow up?


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Help!!! My bf of 2 months is acting like a little baby. He wasn't like this when we first started dating. Its almost like he expects me to be his freakin mother or something. I know he had a rough childhood with his mom not around and all but I need a man not a lil boy. How can I tell him how I feel without breaking his heart?



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Just like when he acts like a little kid I guess dont laugh at him or anything and maybe frown or show a little disappreciation. (Notice: When I say disappreciation I guess i could mean that maybe just like dont act neutral but just show like disappointment I guess) Also when he does act his age and everything then smile at him and hopefully he'll catch on.

Whatever you do though dont act different than yourself already. Be yourself but try to interpret your own way that you could solve this problem. I dont want you to just follow mine and get u guys broke up or anything so if you think my idea is a little too much or somethin than scratch it and try somethin else.

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I dunno, I have tried stuff like that and then he just looks at me and asks if I am pissed off at him. And I tell him I am not pissed just a lil disappointed or upset. I dont know what to tell him I am really at the end of my rope here.

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Men's egos are more fragile than we think, esp. if he's had a rough childhood. BTW, how old is he? - Maybe you should talk to him about this more openly not just in facial expressions or one-liners. Tell him you've noticed a change in his demeanor lately. When you started dating he seemed much more confident & independent, but now he seems different. And you are wondering what caused this change. -How exactly does he act babyish? Does he want you to wait on him like a mom? or is he clingy? does he throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way? - Depending on his age & maturity level perhaps he is just testing the strength of the relationship & what you are willing to do for him (or maybe just put up with). At any rate, just talk to him & tell him what you expect from a man & a relationship & ask him to tell you the same. Be open & honest & maybe this will clear things up & you will know what each other wants & needs. Hope this has helped.

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I dont know sometimes it is like he wants to be waited on other times its like he wants me to tell him how he is doing as a bf. but he doesnt just ask once, he asks a million zillion trillion times. and everytime i am honest with him then he acts like he is really hurt. but there are other times when he is good and gives me my space. He and I are both 21 and yes sometimes he is clingy and throws tantrums when i tell him i dont want to be held on to all the time. Everytime I am open and honest he just looks away like he is gonna cry. So I feel like I am bein punished for being truthful with him. I dont know what to say to him anymore its just like he wants to know but isnt ready to hear it.



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