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Could I be in love?


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I've been dating this guy for almost a year (10 months to be exact ). I know for a fact that I love him and that he loves me. I think that we have the best relationship ever! I finally trust someone (this took me awhile to be able to do) and we connect on all levels. He stimulates me both mentally and physically. We can have fun no matter what we're doing and we give eachother space when we need it. I don't know if I'm in love with him. I mean, I think I am but there are plenty of people who think they're in love and they're just infatuated with another person. I love talking to him and I love waking up and seeing him lying next to me. I love how he tries to sing Hot Hot Heat songs in the shower (keyword: TRIES) and how he'll dance with me in random places when there's no music. I appreciate everything he does for me because I know he's one-of-a-kind. I love the kind of person he is (I even love the things I hate about him....does that make sense?) and he actually understands me (even when I don't)! He means a lot to me as everything he can: a friend, a boyfriend, a lover, even a guardian. Our relationship started off rather quickly and we both rushed into it but I have never been so close to anyone in my life (excluding my mother who is the only other person who knows everything about me and STILL loves me). So, the question remains: Could I be in love with him?

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Sounds like love to me!


Keep in mind that everyone has different ideas of "love" based on their own experiences in their life, both from a family & friend view, and from a relationship view. Some people don't even "believe" in love, often people will feel that after bad experiences, or a lack of love in general in their lives growing up. Or from what they saw in their parents, and other people who they grew up with.


What I felt was love at 16, 17, is NOT what I know love to be now. But that does not mean the love I had at 16 was not love because for me at the time, it was the greatest love I knew. Time, maturity, experience all have changed for me, so love to me is both stronger, greater, but also more equal, and I see love as constantly flowing, changing, growing, and needing to be nurtured. I also no longer see love as one-sided, love is better when reciprocated, when it is couples with respect, honesty, trust, and compatibilities and connections.


What matters is what YOU believe. I for one see nothing wrong with remaining "in love" AND still being crazy about someone for the rest of your life Love does not equal total boredom...however that comfort level is most definitely there. I love my boyfriend, unconditionally and absolutely, even when there are times we have disagreements, or even when we are both stressed out, I love him with his "quirks" and all. At the same time, I am also absolutely crazy about him, and fall in love with him more each day.


While sometimes when relationships go "fast" they also burn out fast...that is because there was nothing of substance there in the end...even if it went slow that would of happened. However a relationship can move "fast" if it is is right too, and that does not mean it is destined to fail when that substance IS there. My boyfriend and I "moved fast" too, and moved in together early, however we both always knew it was "right" and we were each others "one"s....so we have only gotten stronger, and more in love everyday as we developed our romantic relationship, as well as our friendship and partnership.


You are young, who knows what will happen in the future (sorry, I am not trying to sound like a downer!). Maybe you will stay together, maybe not. I think right now, you should just enjoy yourself, enjoy each other, and time will tell. When you are young, you are still learning whom you are, and what you want in a long term relationship, maybe he is it, maybe time will show its not, but that does not mean you cannot right now love fully to your fullest capacity.

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Boricua7 I think that you will know if you are in love if you care for the health and well being of that person, have genuine interest in their life. Accept all flaws and see them as unique individuals and appreciate the positive qualities and overlooking bad. Last but not least but you see them as someone that you have a stong desire for. Can't think about anyone but them...no matter what time of day it is or what you are doing it is that person that you are thinking of.

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