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Emotional meltdown?

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I see my life as driven by emotions, lacking logical thought and reasoning. Lots of this stems from childhood neglect and abuse. This has been a struggle to get past. And I struggle in life to find social acceptance. I find I am too nice of a person and get walked on. I often take personal offense to things that may be totally unrelated to anything about me.My life for the moment seems paused and it is hard to go on because I feel like so much is going/ has gone on and I just feel like I can't function well these days. Anyone else understand?

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Yep. I'm a kind person and I've found in the past people stomp on me too easily. But, I've found through exercise and reading about logic (Being Logical is a good source for this) that I can improve. A lot of it is simply a state of mind. As long as you 'act' tough, then you are tough. Hope that helps. It did me. Good luck!

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