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Double whami!


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Hi everyone,


I haven't posted in a while but hear goes.


I think I'm falling for a girl, but its so useless!! There's two BIG THINGS that prevent this from ever being any type of reality.


1. She just broke up from a 2 year relationship.

2. She is 5 hours away by plane!!


Hah! I met her during my brother's wedding two weeks ago. She is a my sister-in-laws friend. We actually didn't hit it off the first time we met. Actually, I think she kind of thought I was annoying But then after the wedding, and after she went back to her hometown, she emailed me, and we started talking, and we just hit it off. I like her alot!! She is everything I look for in someone who I can see myself spending the rest of my life with.


What should I do - is this a hopeless cause? Should I just move on and forget about her - but we've gotten to know each other so well... and like her alot?? Is she too good to be true??


Thanks for listening.

Kung fu

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My sisters friend and her girlfriend are in the same situation you are. They live about 6 hrs away by plane, but they are working it out. If distance is the problem here, remember, absense makes the heart grow fonder!


My advice to you is to go for it. Usually. when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. but if theres something you want then go after it. Go after your chance for true happiness. Its the only way! GOod luck

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I would suggest being there for her as a friend right now since she just got out of a serious relationship. Call me an eternal optomist, but I think if you guys are meant to be together, things will fall into place. Just take it slow and see where this nice friendship takes you!! Good luck!!

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it was too good to be true... haha!


she just needs alot of support now that she just broke up with her bf... and i guess support from the opposite sex is optimal...


oh well... another heart break!! haha!


why do i always put myself in these situations?? i just want to meet someone who likes me, and i like her, period. why is it so tough?? i mean, i'm not a hideous guy. i have a pretty good job. i am pretty nice to everyone. okay. i will stop this self pity - but it feels good to vent more so i will.


i don't know. so, i've seriously, met three people who i would seriously consider marrying this year, alone - okay - maybe the last year and a half. the first two were recently divorced... and they both moved out of town. the third just broke off a relationship and is out of town too. what is it that draws these women to me?? or its just me i guess. maybe i have to give out the impression that i'm not a nice guy, and that i don't care. you make the bed you sleep in - so just sleep on it and don't bother me until you are ready for a relationship. period. maybe that's what i need to do - sounds mean, but sure might save some heartache. sorry - just venting.

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so, after she tells me she doesn't have feelings for me, then i decide i don't want to be around here anymore, because, to be honest, i can't just be friends with someone i like of the opposite sex.


so, i stop contact with her, so i can basically just forget about her - but she keeps contacting me - why can't she just stop! i think its selfish just to keep me around to boost up her own self esteem. i'm just like a play thing to her, someone who will make her feel better. i hate that. she sends me pictures too with her in her bikini. wow. when she pours it on, she pours it on.


sorry, just venting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!!


I can't believe it. Two days after she told me she didn't have the same feelings as I did for her, SHE TOLD ME SHE HAD THE SAME FEELINGS!! Oh my goodness. I almost cried. I was soooooooooooo happy. I don't know still though. I'm still a bit afraid, and it will be a long distance too. I will be seeing her in a week. I'm sooooooo nervous. I have to pinch myself daily to make sure this is all real. She is... I can't even describe the feeling she gives me. Whenever we talk, I am soooo nervous... my feelings are so overwhelming sometimes, I can't even breathe. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm trying to be really rational about it... I say to myself I have to be careful... I am falling so fast and hard for her, and SHE IS FEELING THE SAME WAY I DO!! CAn you believe it!! I'm still trying to believe it!!


Okay, I'll shut up now. Thanks everyone for letting me vent.

God bless everyone on this forum. I came here heartbroken about 2 years ago. Now, I am screaming happiness because I really think she is the one for me.


Take care everyone.

Kung fu

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