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I Need Some Insight on My Situation


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This is what happened to me.


I was involved with this certain female and we were trying to become "more" than just friends. Well, seemingly it didn't work out. I went on a date with her and it just felt kind of weird during the time.


She sent me an E-mail later on saying that she wasn't interested in me. And from then on I haven't contacted her or nothing. And she hasn't contacted me. It's been almost 2 months.


I'm still upset about the situation. I have never gotten so close to anyone before. It's always in the back of my mind. When I think about how she couldn't tell me to my face, it just really upsets me.


The thing is that...I'm not really mad at her. I'm just disgusted when I think about her. Which is even worse. It seems like all the time that I went to see her was just to make her feel better or something, that was it. She never really had much interest in me I felt.


To make things worse...we were actually hoooked up by her sister. Me and her sister are...*were*.... good friends, and now we haven't talked to each other at all. Since it's uncomfortable for me to call her house, I sent her sister an E-mail...and she never replied. So now...I feel disprespected and trashed on. I mean, I have been disprespected and looked down on many times in my Life...but this is just effecting me on a more brutal way.


What should I do? I think I should move on...which is what I have been doing...but there are times when these feelings of disgust and anger would creep up on me and just make me want to unleash a storm of unparalled fury and destroy people.

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Well, don't destroy people - they won't like it and it won't make you popular.


The best way to forget about her and what she did is to get out and meet other girls. But make sure you lose the bad attitude, although it is understandable that you feel like that, it will put them off and make you feel worse.

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