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Jealous - In The Shadow, Help


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Okay, I don't know where to begin really, but here is a shot. I'm confused over the situation because I don't know if I have reason to be mad or if I am just blowing things out of proportion. First I'd like to say I think of myself as above-average.. having alot of things going for me and I'm heading in the right direction with things. There is one area in my life however that is nagging at me constiniously and its started to become a big problem.


My roomate is one of my closest friends but I seem to have a little bit of a jealousy problem. We usually hang out together all the time and he treats me as a great friend and supports me with things.. like a friend should. However.. when it comes to the "girl" department.. the issue is pretty much a toss up. Basically my opinion of my roomate is that he is not a good person when it comes with girls, (had sex with 6 girls in a week), lies to them, cheats on them, tells them what they want to hear just so he can get laid, keeps them hanging on. He's never had one g/f in which he didn't cheat on.. but I would have to say ... He is VERY good at what he does and no doubt in my mind I would call him a natural player.


Don't get me wrong, im good with my game as well, but I believe his lies (like telling them things that are not even true, EXAMPLES: my dad played for the *NFL Team*, I have 3 jet skiis, I have a brand new hottub--which our neighbor gave us to fix so we can keep; doesnt even work-- and other things of that sort to get girls attention.. and it works with these women.) He is really outgoing and good with flirting and social skills.. a step above mine which im working on everday to get better.


I'm from a college town where mostly everyone goes to the same places on the different nights of the week.. so pretty much wherever I go.. he will go.. and he always wants to go up there the same time.. pretty much together because whats the point.. we are both going to the same places. So I end up going.. and when I do.. he is the type that hits on EVERY girl without hesitation.. so I feel like I'm pretty much left in his shadow and result to the scavengers at times.. I'll go off and do my thing and meet some girls and be successful but it seems when I'm around HIM most of the girls would rather go.. his way.. because of all the things he will lie about and say and get there attention.


Yes I realize I am jealous, but it gets really frustrating whenever I'm around my roomate because he is better then me at the dating game and I see all the women that I would love to have the oppurtinuty to date.. flock his way because of the things that he might say and being overall better at flirting. I don't want something like this to ruin my friendship with him because I don't feel any girl is worth that.. but its starting to affect my self esteem to where I don't really want to be around him anymore even tho I have no other reason besides this one..


Do you people think I have being ridiculous.. or do I have reason to feel the way I do?

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Hey Life!

Yes you're being ridiculous! You're already knee-deep in women. How many more women can your knees take???


Ok seriously now... I can understand you being jealous, well sorta. The thing is you're a VERY competitive guy and it's only natural that you and your testosterone charged roommate would end up in this situation. Perhaps it's time to start looking for a new place to hang your hat. Water flows to it's own level if you know what I mean...


But if it were me? I'd keep in mind that he has to LIE to get these women and these women aren't exactly "quality" women since they tend to fall for his superficial bs. You want the hot girl that wants you for you, not your imaginary hot tub, jet skis, NFL dad, so in my opinion HE'S THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE JEALOUS OF YOU.


You're the one who hooks the girls without the lies. You're the eye-candy and the mind-candy!!! 8)


Print that out and recite that 500 times. That's an order!




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yeah i agree with small... dont sweat it dude... just keep doing your thing and you will find some amazing girl who wont even bat an eye at your roomate (is the the phrase?) anyways... and he will get hella jealous of you because you will be able to get her by being yourself and not a bunch of lies... just brush what he does off your shoulder... you sound like a honest guy...


Good Luck

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Why on earth would you be jealous of a liar and a cheat? You don't honsestly think he's getting meaningful relationships do you? I couldn't call someone I don't respect a friend to begin with. I don't think you'd want to be with the kind of girl that he's hooking up with anyway. Don't you want someone with values and substance?

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