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My Exam

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Hi everyone - For those of you know don't know, I'm in a PhD program, and I'm about to take the biggest exam of my life in .... oh.... 21 hours. It's a 2-3 hour oral exam in front of 5 professors. I am intimidated and scared as heck! I hope I pass.... If you all could send your good vibes my way, I would be eternally grateful!



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You will do great. the oral part is about your thesis and who will know your thesis better than u. Congradulation. U have accomplish what must people dream of especially myself. U will have a PHD at 25.

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No one has worked harder than you for this, and I have no doubt that your intelligence and diligence will shine through and you will do great.


Best of luck, all my fingers and toes are crossed for you! [-o

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You will do great. the oral part is about your thesis and who will know your thesis better than u. Congradulation. U have accomplish what must people dream of especially myself. U will have a PHD at 25.


Thanks guys! I really need support today! Actually, it's my "prelim" exam - I am proposing the research I plan to do for the next few years for my PhD. So, esentially, the profs are deciding if they want me to stay....


No matter what happens tomorrow, I will need a afterwards!

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Annie, good luck with your prelims. I did a master's thesis and am trying to get the nerve to go back soon for a Ph.D., so I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I hope your profs don't put you through the crap and mind games that my professors put me through. It made things incredibly tough!


You will be great!

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Hey Annie!


As I have told you a few times before, I have the utmost confidence you will do AWESOME. You have been preparing for a long time, and are one smart cookie...you'll be fantastic.


Plus, I am sending you some good luck vibes, so you have not a thing to worry about...



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good Luck Vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Annie just wants to be the centre of attention!!!


She knows perfectly well that she is going to blow them all away tomorrow to such effect that they will probably award her the PhD and the Nobel prize tomorrow, and save themselves the trouble of having to do it later.


Remember to breathe properly, Annie, and it will be a walk in the park for you.

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You'll do great, annie!


Take a deep breath, relax and start talking. I am sure the nerves will calm down the moment you know you will answer the first question correctly, and you WILL.



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*sigh* Things didn't go as I had hoped..... They didn't pass me, but they didn't fail me either.....


The committee really liked my experimental plan and they think that my experiments will work well... but, they thought I had deficiencies in my background. So, I have to take one more class, study up in 5 specific areas, and then in february, we will meet again, and hopefully then, I will have satisfied their requirements.


It wasn't a happy ending. I guess it could have been worse.... I studied really really hard, but I studied more experimental stuff, thinking that's where I would get the bulk of the questions, but I got them on background that wasn't directly related to my topic.




well... I have a vacation coming up in 2 weeks. I guess I'm just going to get back to work, do my thing, and take that class in the fall, and hopefully, things will be fine in february.


Thanks for all the good vibes!


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Bad luck, Annie, and you worked so hard!!


But at least you still have a chance and can make it all up so all is not lost. Good luck for the next time.


This must be tough for you - but you are tough as well and you will succeed when it most matters..

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That really really really bites....though I suppose of two evils (failing or having to "bone up") this is the lesser one.


Ugh, that sounds like a really tough program, but I have confidence you will go back to them in February with a vengeance and show them just how much you DO indeed know!


And hey, vent to me anytime as always



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