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You Kept My Secrets & Broke Your Promises


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"You Kept My Secrets & Broke Your Promises"


I remember walking through the woods with you

And the tall green grass we were wading through

I hesitantly whispered my darkest secret

I've never known much of trust

But I choose to believe that you would keep it


It's funny how you can know someone so much

And how the deepest impression can be left by the lightest touch

And how you can know me better than anybody else

You told me you longed to live for me

Even more than for yourself


There's no question in my mind that you meant it then

That look in your eyes could not have been pretend

But our human tendencies get the better of us sometimes

While you forgot your words

I just closed my eyes


I waited for you to look back at me and remember

But it took so long and soon I knew this was no exception to forever

Being out of reach for me

I tried so hard to hold on

But some things aren't meant to be


You know I don't cry hardly at all

You're the only one who knows why my self-image is so small

And if you're wondering there are still times at night I lie awake

Unable to fall asleep as I finish peeling away the day's smiles

That only you would have known were fake


I think back to all the times we had

And all of the memories that were so sad

How perhaps no one will understand us the way we do each other

How I can't help but love you a little

And know I'll always wonder


What if we'd been older when we met?

If you hadn't strayed we'd be together yet

I know you know it even as you find ways to place the blame on me

You've always said I'm the only one

The one who can't give you everything you need


And your words clash and contradict time and time again

You say that you love me but that we can't be friends

It's one thing to know my deepest secrets locked inside

But I've learned you'll never understand me

'Til you can push this selfishness aside


Maybe that is never

And I thought I could wait forever

Now I know I can't take a backseat at every turn

I guess friends just can't be lovers

I guess you live and learn



(Just a rough draft. Been trying to put these feelings into words for a long time now.)

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wow, that was great well written and i could feel the emotion as i read it. i can really relate to it too. you did a great job writing it. please keep writing you have talent



Thanks for the comment. And I absolutely love your signiture there...the quote I mean. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the poem. Sorry to hear you can relate tho. Bleh. Take Care.



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is so heart-wrenching, and not just because I know the experience behind the words, but because you have this wonderful way of expressing things that just makes everything pop off the page... It reaches out and grabs the reader, takes him (or her) along for the ride, and leaves him (her) on the side of the road to feel and experience your pain through your words...


You can conjure up a memory in the reader - whether the reader is on the hurting side or the side of the one who did the hurting - it's like being able to see both sides at the same time... Really, amazing.... Wonderfully amazing.

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