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Don't know what to do......


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My gf of the past 2.5 yrs has asked that we "see other people." The relationship was beginning to stagnate and we were both taking each other for granted toward the end. Anyway, now when I ask her if we are still "seeing each other", she says that she can only see me as a friend and cannot promise anything. I hate the fact that she has me on a totally different level than other guys in her life. What do I do????

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Don't accept the girl's words. She's clearly either confused or trying to keep you on a leash in case her experiment into the unknown fails. I recommend you take no part in that, part ways with her (nicely), and start looking to date other people.

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Do you think she's already seeing someone else or interested in someone else? You may try and ask her but she may tell you no so she wont hurt your feelings or feel guilty about wanting to hook up with someone else.


My advice is to leave her alone for awhile. Do not try and call her and beg her to take you back. Cut all contact with her.


Give it a few weeks and she'll call you. Maybe by then, she'll realize what a mistake she made then the ball is in your court if you still want her back.


Good luck!

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Give it a few weeks and she'll call you. Maybe by then, she'll realize what a mistake she made then the ball is in your court if you still want her back.


is 3 weeks a good amount of time to wait? if she doesn't call, do you call her? it seems that if she doesn't call, then obviously she's not interested in getting back together?

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buddy.....im going through a similar situation..........atliest she was honest enough to tell you what she was feeling. she wanted to see other people.

atliest you have a reason to move on with. it sucks i know!!!!!!! but imagine your ex telling you she needed a break(she didnt know why)

and then finding out from everyone but her she was cheating on you and is seeing the guy she cheated on you with. thats my story. i still havent gotten the closer i need...and its been almost 3 months. i had to cut ties with her. she was manipulating and decieving me into believing the break was really just a break.....but she never could tell me a straight yes or no answer. let her go man. do not beg, try, plead to get answers out of her or back together. if when you talk she is walking over you then cut the ties. if she really wants to talk to you she will find a way no matter how hard it is. this is all stuff i have learned through my breakup. goodluck

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  • 2 weeks later...


Time depends on the intensity of the relationship and your last conversation. You don't necessarily have to call her, show up somewhere

that you know she will be, don't stalk the girl, just let her know you are till around. Sometimes contact after the fact produces "knee jerk" reactions in a way, either good or bad...sometimes they are good, go with your heart, man


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