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hey guys, i just want some opinions from you all. what is it about a girl that attracts you to her? is it something she says..way she looks..way she acts..be honest here..just curious..and it could help me out a lil when i wanna get this one guy to notice me..thanks!



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Well, for me, here are some things. I'm attracted to girls who have their own "style" and don't fit any cliche. I also like when girls show attention rather than play hard to get. By recognizing me, if a girl were interested in me, it would be a clearer sign to me than anything else. I think that acting interested in spending time with the guy, doing all sorts of things whether its just hanging out or asking for help on something. I like to feel that I'm helping out. Looks are important too, but not dramatically. I don't go for girls who wear alot of makeup and try really hard to get noticed. That's what I think and what I look for in a girl, but I've never been in a relationship and as far as I know, no girl has ever "liked" me like that so I might not be the best source of info. Hope it works out though



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well..its a guy who i have known for awhile. i know he sees me...but doesnt really "see me" if you know what i mean. we got together one night and have talked about making plans for the weekend but i just wanna know if theres anything i can do to keep his attention and keep him interested...

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I would say if you are in a situation where looks are the only way to come into contact with a person such as a loud place or initially at the mall. that is a way that men are attracted to someone. The other aspect is if you have the ability to have close contact with a female ie through friends, at work or a different social place. In this area I would consider friendliness and a sincere interest to you a big plus. As far as general qualities I find attractive by sight are: A unique look, nice skin, skin can be dark or light, Booty. I am such a butt man I have found it almost impossible to date a girl without a nice butt! (sorry bout that), Dark hair. In the world in general like 1% of women have true blonde hair. Why do girls get loads of highlights and other things while thinking they are making themselves more attractive. In my opinion, no way. Shake what yo mamma gave you.

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be yourself, i like it when a girl complements me on somthing and lets me know she is interested, just dont be overbearing and seem... desperate, be confident, show him you mean business, but keep him on his toes till you can seal the deal.

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Have a good heart, care about others. We need to be able to understand each other, feel that click. That's what makes a girl attractive.


You can't make someone interested in you, either they will be or they won't be. Be yourself, have fun. Talk to him, smile, laugh. Compliment him. Just focus on having a good time and let what happens, happen.

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Well with my current g/f it was her smile that first attracted me to her, and her eyes.


Once we started dating it was her intelligence that turned me on and then


well lets say there were sparks in the bedroom too...

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I'm attracted to girls who stand out from the crowd. It's so boring seeing almost every girl in my school wearing exactly the same all hanging around together all the time.


I'd only ever be attracted to someone I thought was different in a really good way..


And humour. I love girls who make me laugh and stuff. Someone who I feel is like my best friend aswell..

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just so you know most of the guys on here are not your stereotype cave man guy. which is probs why you are getting some deep responses. most guys i know would just say, breasts, legs, butt.


I on the other hand, thinks it goes like this, eyes, then lips, then overall face, hair, overall body shape, then other bass stuff, i tend to go for dark haired girls, with eyes that are kind of vibrant, if blue then blue and sparkeling, if brown then deep and thourtfull, if green then calculating. (i know im weird) and then a fairly athletic figure, deffinate turn off though smoking! urgh!

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