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flirting and teasing...


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eye contact

smile a lot

laugh at all the jokes


play ful gestures

tease a little bit

let them know how awesome they are

when going to kiss pull away a little then come back even stronger

dont kiss like a wet fish

listen...dont just look...really pay attention what the

person is saying and let them know by repeating what

they said..like the 2nd to last sentence

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One thing that I'd be careful of when joking around is the use of sarcasm. Not everyone takes sarcasm the same way, so don't make it too personal.


And the whole listening thing. There's a difference between hearing and listening. If you're listening to the person intently, then occasionally say "Ah" or "Wow" if it's applicable. For example, don't act too exuberant if she tells you she went to the shoe store and bought a new pair of sneakers (unless they're like $300 or something). Don't just say it to say it, but because you are interested in what she is saying.


Eye contact is the biggest signal in flirting. This doesn't mean you should never take your eyes off of her. Don't stare at her, you might make her uncomfortable.


All teasing is is taking something normal, like something she is wearing, and playfully making fun of it in a way that isn't insulting. It takes practice. For example, if you two are talking about whatever and you notice that she is wearing a toy-like digital watch, you could say something like, "What brand of watch is that, Fischer-Price?". What you don't want to do is insult her. This isn't that kind of teasing. It's meant to be light and funny.

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be interested in her... leave her something to say...dont answer her questions to a yes or no... and dido to easy guy... i havent really found that sarcasm helps all that much(i could be wrong) just smile and let her know your interested in her... (but not by saying hey im interested in you!) lol...

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Don't think, don't try. It will come to you naturally.


Otherwise I'll go along with darkblue:





and most of all eye contact.


And if you want to tease anyone, try yourself. Poking fun at yourself is a goldmine that I never hear people say.

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I'll agree with Shy on this one - the most important thing is to be yourself and relax. If you manage to get into a happy state like that, your natural sense of humour will surface.


And it never hurts to find the line. everyone has a line for humour and teasing...find how far you can go without crossing the line, and you'll be in the perfect spot. Just make sure you never cross the line.

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But to find that line you will have to cross it at some point to know where it is. Is it worth it when you can get the same results without the potential problems?


If you are thinking about finding a line, then you aren't being natural. Don't think, don't try, just let the natural cosmic forces flow through your vines and be released.

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Confidence is key... Im no expert because this is my hardest field to conquer. But if you are confident you will be relaxed and be yourself. There are all sorts of techniques I have read about and used that work really well.. Being a little coccky but at the same time funny does really well.. but most of the time a girl knows if she is going to reject you before you even open your mouth sometimes. Body language and the way you carry yourself is key as well. So by being confident you can show her things that you didn't even know you were. Such as... a strong alpha male figure, not too needy, not a wuss Like I said I am no expert but this is where I like to mess around and do all my research so I know a little bit. Good luck

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Basically what Easyguy said in the first page about teasing(I think EG gets it pretty well). Now before all the nice guys say its bad playing games, and all that crap. Girls LIKE sarcasm and teasing, it gives conversation flavor. And basically what Emotional put is good too, though laughing at all the jokes to me is kinda kiss *** though but other than that I agree with it. Also make sure that you feel comfortable with yourself, people like people that are fun to be around they don't like tense negative people, so be comfortable and optimistic. Oh yeah and shoulders back and chest out so you appear taller (you may notice yourself doing this sub-consciously though at times) and head tilted back a bit. That kinda shows that alpha-male thing. And when your talking to her and she seems a bit nervous something that can help her out is if you look below the eyes so your basically looking at the girl's nose, it's proven in some way that it helps people relax when speaking.

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But to find that line you will have to cross it at some point to know where it is. Is it worth it when you can get the same results without the potential problems?


If you are thinking about finding a line, then you aren't being natural. Don't think, don't try, just let the natural cosmic forces flow through your vines and be released.


Well, I would certainly hope that a guy would be more cordial to a lady then that of the guy's male buds where often times the exciting part is to cross the line. If one doesn't have the experience with finding this line with girls/women, he'll HAVE to find it because he wouldn't know what that line is. If you're on a date with someone, I highly doubt she'd want to hear the kind of humor that can come out of your mouth with your friends. That is of course if it's that kind of rude humor that the females don't like to hear. If being rude is your humor line then how would you expect to get good results without change?

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Well, I've never got rude humor anyways. I've alway found it rather... um... rude. So maybe I'm at an advantage. But it seems to be that the humor the lady enjoys should either be obvious or a matter of common sense. It doesn't take a genius to figure out most girls won't like something vulgar, no experience should really be necessary. Otherwise, just pay attention to her. It won't be hard to pick up on what she thinks is funny, then just mimic it back to her. Why push any line or test the limits when girls tell you everything you need to know right out in the open.


Though I still think that the more you think, the less you get. Everything really does come naturally, you just have to relaxed enough to let it flow

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But to find that line you will have to cross it at some point to know where it is. Is it worth it when you can get the same results without the potential problems?


If you are thinking about finding a line, then you aren't being natural. Don't think, don't try, just let the natural cosmic forces flow through your vines and be released.


You don't have to cross the line to know where the line is. Quite often if you see someone in a group of people, you can pretty easily work out what people are like. This works the same for how they react to fun, friendly teasing.


Why is it not natural to find the line? I'm the kind of guy who will tease a girl i like if i am getting the right vibe off her (for instance if she happens to playfully tease me). That is me being natural. Finding the line and how far i can take this teasing is all part of me being me. There is nothing suspicious about it - it's all a bit of fun, which both people enjoy.


None of my humour is rude. Maybe sometimes it has a flirty double meaning behind it, but we're adults, so whats the problem??


Otherwise, just pay attention to her. It won't be hard to pick up on what she thinks is funny, then just mimic it back to her. Why push any line or test the limits when girls tell you everything you need to know right out in the open.


Exactly - pay attention to her, and you naturally work out her limits - what she likes, what she doesn't like. You do it yourself - the moment you meet someone, you make judgements about them, and you then change and modify these judgements as you get to know them more. This is the natural process of social interaction. Nothing wrong, or un-natural about it!!

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