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why does this happen?

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Maybe I'm thinking too much.

But everytime I got e-mail from this friend, it somehow makes me upset a little.

I know she is a nice friend but her e-mail always has some sort of "show off" and hint of reminding me of my past relationships which didn't work.

I always respond like i didn't really care about, but it gets to the point of I don't want to deal with anymore.

But she is nice person, and fun to hang around with.

So I don't want to tell her really about this feeling

I'm having right now..


I know its not a big deal, but I don't know what to do about this.

I could just not reply and forget it, but tiny upset feeling still remain in me..

Is it something wrong how I take things or she's not real friend?



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I know she is a nice friend but her e-mail always has some sort of "show off" and hint of reminding me of my past relationships which didn't work.


I'm sure that is annoying- but it's sometimes hard to tell what someone's intentions are via e-mail, because there are not noverbal cues to help you like there is in a real conversation. It's also hard to tell a person's intended tone from an e-mail.


Maybe she's just trying to remind you to stay away from relationships

that are like your past relationship which didn't work out. Maybe she's trying to set an example. You might still bn hurt from your last relationship, and thus very sensitive to the topic as well.


I would suggest talking to her- either in person or at least on the phone and if you still detect a vicious, bragging tone then maybe she is not a "real friend". But I wouldn't make your judgement based solely on e-mail.



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If it does annoy you, then tell your friend about this. You two should talk this out, since reminders of past relationships can be very annoying. And no one wants to be reminded of past mistakes that they did. So, just talk with your friend about this and hopefully that will help. Good luck!

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