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I'm really glad you stop and that you got help. And dealing with your sexuality definitely isn't fun along with every thing else. I know the feeling. Though it must be even more of a challenge now that you are out of your teen years physically. But I'm glad you stopped. It's an addiction that I wish we could all have never seen.

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I just wanted to say that I find all of the people that post here inspirational. Whether its been 18 years, a day and a half, or you haven't been able to stop cutting.. I find it all inspirational to me when I find it hard to continue on not cutting. Kudos!

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190 days tomorrow. I hate it. I want to soooo bad. Especially now that I am going back to school. It's not that I hate school, I just can't stand some of the stress that goes with it. Though it's better than summer break. Parents 24-7. I just wish I could do it. I hate these urges. Any suggestions on something to keep me occupied would be great.

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ive been doing it for a year, i stopped for 3 months, but about 2 weeks ago, i did it rly bad again... so yeah a year or so


this is a great topic, thanks for starting it


for those of you who do cut or know someone who is cutting -


if it's someone you know, try your best to be there as much as you can. they need someone to love and support and not judge. and again, don't be afraid to tell someone that can help. you could be saving a life. make sure they dont cut anywhere like wrists and scary places like that. let them know there are better ways of dealing with problems like talking, etc. key point - TELL SOMEONE THAT CAN HELP


but please don't cut yourself that can be so dangerous. there are healthier ways of dealing with it i promise.

i'm here and we all are here for you. you're not alone, remember that. try your

best to stay strong and get through this, because i know you can. i've been

there. make sure you stay away from everything that can cut you. get rid

of it, throw it away. tell some people about this so that they can help you

too. stay away from anything that could trigger you. watch good movies,

write, read, listen to music, TALK TO SOMEONE, exercise, go for a walk, etc.

never be afraid to ask for help, because there are people out there that

can help. it's wonderful you want to talk to us, but there are other people

out there too i promise. you're going to be ok. if you do end up cutting,

remember, stay away from wrists and scary places like that.


contact me or anyone here if you want!,


you're not alone! PLEASE check out these sites, they really help


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Hey everyone I was just checkin to see how everyone is doing keepin it up I sure hope so I am so far and its hard but its worth it so keep trying We should all be here to help support eachother Anyone I can help I'll try! Good-luck everyone you can do it!

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