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I have always been popular, NO not stuck up miss perfect. I mean i have always had lots and lots of friends my whole life. My family moved about 5 times by the time i started middle school, so i changed schools a few times and i had always managed to fit right in and develope good friendships.

It was freshmen year of high school when i found out i was moving to another state. The people at my school were amazing every personality you could every want to meet, great teachers who really understood kids, and i had an awsome group of best friends that were like family. When i first found out i was going to move i was excited for this new experience, but then when boxed were all packed and we were really leaving i didnt want to go.

I started a new school the next year. The call structure was awful students were put into tight groups with little interaction with other groups (smart kids with smart kids, seniors with seniors, ect.) i just couldnt seem to bond closely with anyone. Sure i would talk to everyone in my classes and be sociable but nothing would happen at the end of the day i was alone.

I did meet one girl Deb*, she was a loner like me who had just moved in from another state as well. Still she was never my friend really we just hung out because we didnt want to be alone. Deb* and i would eat lunch together and sit at lunch together and where lab partners and all that but as much as i try i can get passed her personality, shes just so boring!

Second semester of that year i couldnt take it anymore. I was always and A student in honors classes but as hard as i tryed i couldnt make it passed a C in some classes. I couldnt focus i was so depressed, I couldnt take seeing all these happy kids all around me with friends, it got so bad i would cry every night before bed, wanted to kill myself. I decided i would try to transfer schools, i went to the district office with my mom to try and move to the other high school in my town. They wouldnt let me transfer becuase i was a new student and there were kids already on a wait list to transfer. My next option was to move back and live with relitives i bearly new and go to my old school. I was so happy to be going back, i got all packed and was ready but then i just broke down again, I couldnt live with people i hardly knew and i could leave my parents or my younger brother. I didnt know what to do so i just stayed home and planned on taking online high school classes, but my dad got pay cuts from his job and we coulnd aford the it.

For six months ive been home trying to look for a job and activities to do so i can meet people but i have had no luck. I am still depressed because i have no friends in my new town but i think i made a good decision because ever since i left school i havent seriosly thought about killing myself and i dont cry myself to sleep at night. Recently i took the state exit exam so i am currently waiting my results. I think i have a 60% chance i passed, so in the fall im going to try an take classes at the community college.

Everyday i ask myself how did this happen to me? How did i go from this girl who had some many people to hang out with to this girl who stays home all the time? My life is so lame, i get so desprate to go out sometimes i call up Deb to go to the mall or whatever, Shes a really nice person but after hanging out with her i always feel so annoyed. she brings me down because unlike me she is kind of anti-social, but shes the only person i know here so its go out and feel misreable or dont go out at all.


please tell me someone out there has had an experience close to this and it does get better.

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When people have to deal with conditions unknown to them it can be very hard. Especially when they don't have any friends to help them along the way. I've been in this kind of situation. I went to Space Camp for a week and nobody liked me there. I hated it. Yet there is always hope in life, to make more friends. You may not make any now, but there is still a chance to finding friends. You just have to look. Hope that helps. Good luck!

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that's just crazy, but sometimes that's life really. I mean I only have 2 really good friends from school, the rest I never heard from again.


Recently I came accross a great bunch of people who are now my friends. They truly are a blessing. But It happens to a lot of people, especially people who were popular. It seems that after high school no one really pays attention anymore, so all the cool popular people no longer have that.


Because you sound like you're a good person, I doubt you'll have much difficulty meeting new friends. Sometimes being a young adult is tough as is turning into an adult. I'm 21 and new things come up ALL the time, it seems more "real" because you're faced with so many new things as previously, schools were structured and safe and secure. But once you leave it changes soo much and I'm happy I decided not to take my own life. As I thought that after high school it would all go to blah. Because I thought that once you graduate, you become a mature adult and your focus is on getting a job and providing and all that.


But it seems that I wasn't as popular in high school, but now I'm actually a part of the social circle and meeting really cool people. It's really interesting to hear about other peoples lives and that's something I never got in high school.


I'm a much different person from who I was back in high school. But yeah, sorry for going on and on so much lol but really I'm just hoping to shed some light. As I was a shy, anti-social kid throughout school. So i never really said much more than a hi and bye. I kept to myself a lot so I had no real social circle. But now it's bigger than I could ever imagine. so hang in there

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