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More than friends?


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Ok here I go. I met this girl about 2 years ago. We are in the same grade and go to the same school. We just had never had any classes together. We hung out a lot. Walking to and from this 1 class almost everyday. We had a good friendship going it even got to where I was eating lunch with her and her friend. And on the last day of school i left the building and she stopped me and hugged me. But summer came and well we didnt talk much.


School started back up we were now in 8th grade. I broke my leg right at the start because of a football accident. Anyhow in 1 class we always sat togehter even if she had to fight for the seat true story lol. But that was the only class. Until my geography teacher moved me behind her. Her and I talked quite a bit. See my geography teacher even had something like a scavenger hunt he only let people do it like 3 times. And it was only small groups of like 2 or 3. And the girl asked to do it and chose me to be her partner she said so she could ride the elevator? lol.. (plus 1 of my guy friends begged and ended up going). See I was allowed to leave class early, and often she went with me.


The next semester was the best. In P.E. she would often ask me to walk with her. (I was the only guy who she ever asked ). Often in between classes she would grab me and want me to walk with her. And we walked to a lotta classes. She'd walk by and say hello to me and none of my other friends. Although my guy friend often said she was trying to make him jealous?.. And she did a few times ask me about him like wheres he at?.. We ended up sitting together in Spanish. Often we talked and she would laugh. like real often. 2 or 3 times the teacher told her to stop flirting with me. But the teacher she likes to kid a lot?... But the semester went good. Prom came around and she went with that 1 friend. And I went with this other girl who I didnt even ask. I didnt even wanna go. My date didnt do me right and the girl went and had words with her and offered to have pictures with me.


Where it gets bizarre. I know a woman who does pagaents. And she asked me to be an escort and I did it because the girl was gona be in it. To make a long story short she won. I was probaly the best and youngest escort there. Plus her friend saw me. An older girl who I didnt know. The girl told me accidentally that the older girl thought i was cute so I talked to her a little bit. The girl told her not to date me and to date older guys. She was actually kinda mad. I didnt act mean to her I did ask her why and she said because she thought it was weird..........


When it comes to other girls she always disencourages it. She also just recently broke up with her bf. (of 2 months).. A funny story Saturday night I was walking from this store to this restaurant with some friends because I was gona go to a lock in. She called me and goes I C U. And we talked for a second and she drove by and waved.


So in the end I dont know. She is the most extrodinary girl I know. See she is also the prettiest and most sought after girl in my grade. She asks me about my best friend a little. But I dunno.. she's a confusing girl then again aren't they all?.. Her and I are really good friends and I dont wana screw that up.. Truth be told I dont think I have a chance with her.

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She is all up in your grill boy. Are you that blind? She is trying to get to know you and at your age (14?) girls try to be talkative to guys. Its a different way to flirt at that stage because that is the beginning of dating and b/f & g/f, she is testing the waters and hoping that after all this time you have become interested in her. I would ask her out and tell her how you feel (a.k.a. that you really dig her.)


Hope it goes smoothly...

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