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Prayers for Londoners affected by bombings

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Another senseless act of violence, another act of cowardice. Something needs to be done to stop these madmen. Not only are they crazy, their religious devotion are totally warped and misplaced.


My sympathies and thoughts are with the victims.

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It has made me very sad to think about all those people who went to work this morning expecting to go home to their families but are now dead.


I work in London and use Kings Cross station where one of the bombs went off but I was ill and called in sick.


Its strange because I have no-one to come home to, no-one is waiting for me to come home, no-one relies on me or needs me but I stay home today and am still alive yet all those people that died probably have husbands, wives, children, etc that love them and need them but they are dead.


I feel guilty and extraordinarily sad for those people and their families.


My thoughts are with anyone who has lost a friend or family member

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My dad was quite adament that I cannot plans to make any trips to London too see footy matches also I'm not allowed to go to Bristol to see my sister. I'm not allowed to travel on train or coach. If I go to see my sis I have to go by car.


It's so unfair how innocent people have died today when they haven't done anything to deserve the tradgic happens that has happened today. I hope this doesn't happen again.



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I think that everyone in power and everyone else should stop and think logically about why this happened. THings like this don't happen for no reason. Obviously there was a cause, so we need to think hard to find that cause. WHy are some people driven to such acts? We should honor the dead, but quickly move on to find out what drove some people wacko to do something like this, and think logically on how such people can be worked with because they offend.

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Sheyda I'm afraid you are incorrect. Every major news organization here has been carrying the story around the clock. All of them have been focused on the rescue efforts, the tragedy suffered by the families and also how it has affected the citizens of London.


I've been watching cnn and they haven't focused on anything else except the bombing.


My company has several offices in London with one located at Uxbridge. We have been working from the US side to try and help any of the employees or family members that have been affected.


I also work with the Red Cross here. All day they have been working with the office in London to see what supplies and assistance they might need from the US.


Please don't think Americans don't care. We care far more than you think.

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You said "The American News Reporters" which to me implied all of them. I'm just trying to point out that the vast majority have been extremely sensitive to the tragedy. Even if I go out to link removed right now there is a large photo of two injured people with a headline of "Londers Look for Answers".


Now not that FoxNews is the epitome of fabulous journalism. But they've been fairly well behaved this time.


As for George Bush, well you've got me there. Just know that among those I've been in contact with today there is overwhelming support for the UK.

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Fairplay George Bush is in scotland with the G8 Summit and stood as the 8 most powerful men on earth to condem terrorism. Tony Blair had to leave the summit to attend to business in london but has returned tonight. Our ultimate aim should be to stop terrorism and if we need to use military action it is justified otherwise you keep getting these. What got me is the emotion of some of the witnesses on the underground.


52 deaths according to the SUN newspaper, 7 bombs in total mostly underground but busses also targetted. Probably target London because of the diversion of the G8 e.g METRO police taken to scotland , security ect. Publicity esspecially after 2012 bid, also security had been lowered recently. When people were cellebrated the 2012 olympics it would be quite easy to get around without being noticed.


Afterall I fell sad for people involved and the families of those who have died, and I fell hatred for the people who have commited these crimes against society.

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My sister is in London on a photography program. I was just there last week. Luckily, she's safe. I feel bad though for all the people in the underground. It's sad how terrorist feel they have to resolve their problems. This only creates more. Whatever. I just hope that people can clean this up and go on with their lives.

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The terrorists are making fools of themselves. Why does violence seem to be the only way of communication between countries these days? Stupidity has seemed to hit modern warfare.


I read the story on link removed this morning when I woke up. Scary stuff. My prayers go out to everyone. I was in London last summer around this same time (well, tail end of June). I've got a friend who's headed there in a couple of weeks for a school thing.


One could also speculate as to whether this one planned, since today is 7/7. Who knows. That was totally uncalled for (as is any terrorist attack).

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What about 11/11/11? I always wondered if something special would happen that day. But aside from that I wonder this: ok say this IS Al Quidea...after all, they do seem to be taking credit for it, so I don't think it's breaking their hearts to assume it's them. Ok so under the assumption it IS them I ask this: is it really going to be fun to spend eternity with a God who commands this behaviour? I mean seriously, this God who tells people to blow others up in his name really cannot be a good God that I'd want to spend eternity with. I thought it was irritating when people put tracts on my car that say in the same breath "Jesus Loves You....BURN IN HELL YOU VILE SINNER!" Well, this is a million times worse.


What is the matter with these people? I know what's the matter- they're out of their minds. What are they trying to prove? Do they really think they're going to get people to submit to their way by killing innocent people? That is not the makings of an appealing religion!

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So here I sit at my computer listening to the same radio station that 24 hours ago reported on its normal traffic update that there had been a power surge on the underground and a train had been affected with a possibility of a few people injured. We all now know what unfolded as the day went on.

To those of you who have sent words and prayers of support, the people of London thank you from the botom of our hearts, it is good to know in this vast world we have friends who care for us even though we do not know their names and may never meet them.

Today I will go into work, I will use the tube and a bus, I have been told I do not have to by the company I work for, but I will. Not because I have to, not because I need to, but because I want to. As a show of respect for those who have died and been injured (a good friends sister sits in a hospital bed as we speak) I will not hide in my home, or stop using public transport, or let the thugs responsible change my life.


If you kill one of us the rest take on their strength, we are united as one and will carry on.


Thank you for your love x

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What is the matter with these people? I know what's the matter- they're out of their minds. What are they trying to prove? Do they really think they're going to get people to submit to their way by killing innocent people? That is not the makings of an appealing religion!


Killing in God's name has never made sense. It has always had everything to do with man's agenda and nothing to do with God's agenda.


As an agnostic friend of mine once remarked, "I don't have a problem with God...it's His groupies I can't stand."

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I really think it comes down to the fact that these Islamic terrorists are brainwashed from a young age to hate the westerners. All their life problems are blamed on the infidel's and the Israel. I don't hold these terrorists to blame more than I blame the countries they live in for allowing their schools to teach their students that all their problems are caused by the West and the Jews. These people have nothing to lose in live but, in death their families are paid money because they killed themselves. Don't forget that Saudi Arabia was paying these killers families money and I am sure many other Arabic countries as well.


It is a shame that these people feel that their life is not important but, dying for God is. What they fail to realize is that they are not dying for God but, some strange translation of the Koran. Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world when it is read for the words the Koran holds and not translated into an end to justify their cause.


I am not a very religious person but, I will pray for the victims and their families. Let me say this that I remember 9/11 all too well and I give all of Brittan my warmest wishes. I would like to let the British people know that we in the New York Metro area stand with out brothers and sisters accross the ocean in this time of tragedy.


God Bless England may your country be stronger in its resolve to stop these fanatics! I hope that events like this tragedy never happen again ever.


9/11/01 and 7/7/05 will go down in history as they day our countries were attacked without provocation.

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my heart felt condolences go out to the families of the dead and the injured. i was watching CNN last night and wondered what if i was there. this is a very sad moment for the people of Britain. Hope they will find the culprits fast to bring peace to the world.

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The terrorists inflicted these terrible tragidies to:


1. Disrupt the G8 summit.

2. Demoralize the peoples of London and of Britain.


Well in the case of the G8, after Tony Blair's trip yesterday to London. He is insisting that Africa and Climate change are still at the top of the agenda. This act of terror did not detter the leaders from their work.


British peoples and Londoners especially, have an enormous capacity to take what ever is thrown at them. This has been compared to the Blitz. London will continue with life as usual. The terrorist cannot and will not win.


I do think that news and other media sources should play the footage to a lesser extent now, if not they are over publicitizing and that's exactly what the terrorists want.

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I'm in Australia but have two half sisters in London, and my best friend is currently living there too. I spent the entire night trying to reach them.... and after quite a few hours managed to do so. I wasn't in too much of a panic as I figured the odds of one of these three people being involved were very slim in relation to the population on London.

As it turns out, one of my sisters was only not on the train that blew at Kings Cross due to a delay in her connecting train before it. She arrived there just after the incident, instead of just before and in time to board. She was one of those evacuated in a hurry when she got off her train.

I was as saddened by the attacks as much as anyone... but finding out that really made me think about even more.

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Thankyou everyone who has sent their prayers to the people of London and the UK. I am very touched to see that soo many people care. thankyou. Those of you may have noticed if you have been whatching tv, the way that the people of london have just got on with their lives. Im very proud of them, and you.

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Those of you may have noticed if you have been whatching tv, the way that the people of london have just got on with their lives.


The only ways we should allow events like this to change our lives is for the better. If we allow events like this to make us fearful and paranoid, evil wins.


If we use events like this as a reminder to live to the fullest every moment, to show love & compassion to others, to tell those we love how we feel about them, to grant forgiveness....then goodness prevails.


But evil backfires in the big picture of human evolution. For every soul it destroys -- and there are many -- it is instrumental in the salvation of others. Unwittingly, evil serves as a beacon to warn others away from its own shoals. Because most of us have been graced by an almost instinctive sense of horror at the outrageousness of evil, when we recognize its presense, our own personalities are honed by the awareness of its existence. Our consciousness of it is a signal to purify ourselves. It was evil, for instance, that raised Christ on the cross, thereby enabling us to see him from afar. Our personal involvement in the fight against evil in the world is one of the ways we grow.
- M. Scott Peck from "The Road Less Traveled"
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do you think the bombing is going to be a continuous thing? Only my dad wont let me travel to London (which is understandable) but also I'm not allowed to visit my sister in Bristol. Bristol isn't even in any danger?


I can only go to see her by car. With my dad being very busy at work and my mum doesn't have a license then I'm stuck for options! I really want to see her but it looks like I can't see her until the bombing is over?


Does anyone else find inspiring how even after the tradgic bombing in London has happened, how many people have been able to live strong and have a great determination to not be defeated? I think it is! I'm changing my avatar,



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