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Ragdoll, a poem plz reply


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the child sits in a quiet room

as his parents scream inside

echoes taunting though his clouded mind

the scars are covered but the pain cannot hide


they through him around

they made him cry

the stitches broken open

a silent promise he cannot deny


marks appear on his forehead

his arms are still unnoticed

keep it in the family child

if you know whats good for you


so he never said a word

he always screamed inside

the pain finally escaped

the night she died


the one he had turner to

now she turned away

she lay there unmoving

his final thoughts, his final day



really personal, something i needed to get out please tell me what you think

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this is quite disturbing... what is wrong?

i just read a true crime book that took place in fl in 1993

a stepmother abused her 10 yrd old boy then he wound up dead....

it was called "No one can hurt him anymore"

it was a very bothersome read, though i couldnt put it down...

tell someone, what is wrong? are you ok? are you being harmed?

dont wait until it is to late.... talk to someone who can help you... dont be afraid... being quite will kill you! speak up! what is thee matter? imlike stressed over this now....

are you ok?

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it's very good. very sad. i could relate to a lof of it...if you ever need to talk please, please feel free to PM me. I don't know if you wrote this as the one IN the situation, but if you are, believe me, I've been in a similar place and I'm more than willing to listen.




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I can relate personally, and I do sympathize. I spent the first years of my life severely abused by my father and 30 years later I am just learning to come to grips with it through very intensive therapy.


In reading your poem, I wanted to comment and that I do understand now through therapy and hypnotic regression/recall what it feels like to be a very very very lonely and very frightened child with no one to turn to.........




Also as deviousj420 has stressed. If this is a situation that is current it can be repaired and it can be corrected.

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