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Ever get grossed out about gf/bf body - like BIG areolas?


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#1- See I can't understand someone not liking big areolas. I love 'em. And find them extremely erotic. The bigger the better!!


#5- Big labia? Yummy! Just more to hide my face in.


And I love strech marks too. I call 'em Tiger Stripes and think it just gives a womans body more character. Especially the ones on the buttocks.


10- Probably deep cellulite and/or hairy women.


Smokers? I thought we were talking body parts and not habits. But then I guess body odor can be the result of a habit of not showering.


If you could see the tears coming from my face, I laughed so hard...



I'd have to say huge areolas and nipples.. I like smaller breasts and nips..


I used to call them dinner plate nipples.. Big enough to eat off of!


However... I've personally, as in, sexually, haven't had anything too wild I've always lucked out with what I managed to get, and was never turned off..

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uhh, why does it matter what they look like beneath their clothes? what matters is your heart and their heart. if you like them, then it turns to love, you get married, then on your honeymoon, you find something that you dont like about this guy/girl. what are you going to do... Divorce them? I dont understand why people judge and compare. Personalli, I dont care if they are circumcised or uncircumcised ... or if they have an extra toe or finger, or even if they have big/small testicles. If a person is born with a "defect/abnormality" (sorry about the use of words) it isnt their fault. Its not like we choose our bodies before we are born. Its not like a baby boy chooses whether or not to be circumcised. My point is why are we discussing this? If there is anything to complain about it would be personal hygiene or something like that ... none of this "she has big nipples", or "hes not circumcised" ??? If your in love ... what does it matter?


Sorry all... Just my Personal Opinion


Thanks, SxcLady

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My body's not perfect. Neither is my partner's. Neither is yours. Neither was your ex's. If I EVER found out that an ex of mine was trash talking my body.. It'd be one more reason why I'd be GLAD they were an ex. And to be honest, if I were to hear a guy trash talking an ex's body I'd loose all attraction for them. It shows such a lack of respect.. And class.

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  • 3 months later...

Are all areolas smooth? I have many small bumps on mine.They look old and ugly.I feel I look ugly to my husband,but he tells me no. He doesn;t always touch them & never tries to take my shirt off. he knows I don;t like them. But iwant him to love them. I have never changed in front of anyone, not even my husband very often. I am 38, been married 20 yrs. I have always hated my nipples, because of not wanting to be a turn off. I am a nice looking woman, heads do turn when I walk by,and I can hide them from the world, but I want them to be beautiful for my MAN!!! Should I opt for any surgery?i

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Quite often, people who feel the need to publicly trash an ex-partner's body has low self-esteem and ridicules their ex because it makes them feel better about themselves. Am I right, benevolent? Publicly making fun of your ex's breasts is probably your way of comforting yourself over your own shortcomings. How would you fell if she did the same thing to you? It'd be a real kick in the teeth, wouldn't it? How old are you?? For your sake, I hope you are still a teenager, because if you are a grown man/woman and have such a bad attitude, you may never grow out of it and will never be in a happy long-term relationship because you are so disrespectful toward people's bodies.



People are born with the bodies they have, nobody gets a say in it. Most people have a body part they are a little embarrassed about. If you feel you absolutely have to discuss something about your partner/ex-partner that grosses you out, talk about their behaviour, lack of manners or hygiene. Those are things a person has some control over and makes decisions about. No one has control over the body they are born with.

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10. Being to fat. That means flab hanging out here and there.


Now, before you judge me for saying that, here is the reason.


My ex boyfriend which I loved, but he had a strong lack of confiendce. He would tell me how fat he was and how he needed to workout and tone up. I would always tell him I didnt mind and I loved him. Lol, its funny because he is all talk and no action because he would consistantly tell me this and did nothing about it. I guess lack of confidence is what I hate more, but its a reminder of ex which annoyed the heck out of me.

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And I love strech marks too. I call 'em Tiger Stripes and think it just gives a womans body more character. Especially the ones on the buttocks.


That's adorable - Tiger Stripes! I'm going to steal that term, ok?


Personally, I do not get grossed out by human bodies very easily at all. We are talking about people!! Human beings with feelings, passions, and love. It's cruel to make fun of a lover's (or anyone else, for that matter) body parts. It is adolescent...strange, bc many teens know enough to be respectful of others.


I even love smokers and stinky people. It doesn't gross me out. Nothing a toothbrush and a shower can't help.

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I love scars.. one with stories.. i dont mean those which have been purposely made..


I have loads..

i shall share one

when i was little, i went on a rebellion aginst barbie, cut all her hair off and my mum was like "KELLY!!! what are you doing?!"

i dropped these HUGE metal scissors through my foot..


and am left with a war wound, with a unique story


i like war wounds on people.. they tell history and moments of madness or uniqueness, etc

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Interesting thread, at several levels.


My wife is both a hardcore exhibitionist (she enters amateur-night contests at nude strip clubs, for example), and a something of a "poster child" for unconventional beauty, so I've seen a lot of what's being discussed under what amount to laboratory conditions.


Bottom line: Men know what they like and want, and centerfold perfection is WAY high on the list. It is so common and strong that I'm sure there's a genetic component, in fact. Some sort of healthy-chromosome radar at work... (Evolutionary anthropology, anyone?)


My wife persists in thinking that being more daring in what she shows, and how she shows it, will make up for these departures from "centerfold-ness," but I've never seen it really work that way. Once over their shock and surprise, her observers' interest disappears quickly. (Out of many dozens of creative attempts to show herself to male friends and acquaintences at our apartment---never mind the clubs---the only guys who didn't feel so uncomfortable that they left soon after seeing her naked, were those who thought it was a lead-up to some easy sex for themselves. Once they discovered that wasn't the case, they disappeared too.)


So, on the question of whether the vast majority of men base their evaluation of a woman's OVERALL desirabilty on a handful of superficial physical details, the answer is definitely yes. Sad but true.

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I am not grossed out by my partner's body and neither is he grossed out by mine.


Both of us would probalby gross out some people though, I guess that's one more thing to add to the list of "why we are not swingers"


I like his back hair, and he likes my stretch marks. He doesn't complain that my breasts look completely different post breast feeding and I don't complain that he is getting more fuzzy as the years go by.


I don't know that I would want to be with someone who would criticize me over things I have no control over.

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The only things I object to are a smoking, hairy woman down there, bad hygene, or obesity. Otherwise, I'm easy going and open minded. All of these are solvable issues that any woman can change.


I myself lost 45 lbs and have kept it off for 3 years. I'm now trying to lose another 10 lbs, but it's harder now because my body wants to hold onto what's left of it's fat reserve. I mention this because I'm NOT a hypocrit about the fat thing. I was very fat, now I'm only a little fat. I worked at getting the extra pounds off. So I'm not a hypocrit for saying I find obesity unattractive in a woman. I also find it unattractive in myself. However, I'm now only 15 lbs overweight and I'm working on losing 10 lbs of it.

So being overweight is a fixable problem, as is excessive hair down there, bad hygene, or smoking. All fixable issues.




As for nipple size, that isn't very important to me. However, my preference is for bigger and/or pointy ones. I like them. Some guys like small nipples. Obviously that's a personal preference thing. However, it isn't that important to me one way or the other. Also, bumps on the nipples, or no bumps, doesn't matter to me at all one way or the other.

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Whenever someone says something disrepectful about their ex (exlover, exfriend, etc), they are also disrespecting themselves. Each insult directed at an ex is not only unacceptable behavior, but is also an insult directed at oneself. Why? Because if you were with someone unworthy, then what does that say about you?


"If you are bored, then you are are boring." "There are no smart parts, just small actors." Who said those famous quotes? I forgot. The same principle applies here. If your ex is unworthy, then so are you since you were with her.


I'm not saying your ex is unworthy. I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is stop insulting yourself by stop insulting your ex.


Think about it.

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Can I be the first to start the "uncircumcised and proud" group.


If anyone wants to start a "big nips united" group we could join forces.


But if you belong to "we don't wash and thats all right" don't bother contacting.


OK! I hereby call to order the first ever meeting of Big Nips United. I nominate myself as spokesperson, and propose a mixer with the Big Jugg Association, the Junk in the Trunk Foundation, the Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weiny Society, and Members of the Hung Like a Horse Club. Does anyone second the motion??

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Can those who like big nips become associate members of Big Nips United? I want an associate membership.


Also, I propose the Big Jugg Association be named the Milk Shake Club. I considered "Dairy Queen", but that name is already taken. ;-)


Wouldn't a lot of the same women be members of both clubs? You'll have to offer dual memberships for the women and associate memberships for the guys.

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Can those who like big nips become associate members of Big Nips United? I want an associate membership.


Sorry, no. Membership is limited to females with nips larger than coke can bottoms.... You may however join any number of our brother organizations that we frequently mingle with....


For instance: the Federation for Foot Fetishes, the Orgie Organization, the Shaved Bare Band, the Happy Hairy Humpers, or Butt Watchers Anonymous...


Also, I propose the Big Jugg Association be named the Milk Shake Club. I considered "Dairy Queen", but that name is already taken. ;-)


Also, sorry, but no. That name is taken already by a lactating sub-group of B.N.U.


Wouldn't a lot of the same women be members of both clubs? You'll have to offer dual memberships for the women and associate memberships for the guys.


The women are free to join as many of our clubs as they like. Discounted dual membership is available all those who fit into more than one organization except for members of Junk in the Trunk. unfortunately, due to seating limitations, they will have to pay full price for that and any additional memberships.


Men are welcome to attend any of the many public functions we put on each year. For example we have our annual "Adopt a Nipple" charity drive coming up where we donate all proceeds to buying overlarge and custom made bras to the less fortunate well-endowed. And membership into a fraternal organization guarantees that you will be rubbing elbows (IF you are a member of the Enlightened Elbow Endowment) with us at our annual BNU gala. This year the theme is Pirates of the Carribbean. Correspondingly, there will be lots of chests and booty attending.....

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Hmmmm...it all depends on how much you love your partner, I think.


It occurred to me about 5 months into our now-10 month relationship that my boyfriend has a noticeable amount of loose skin on his lower abdomen where he lost over 95lbs in 7 months last year when he developed depression and anorexia. I was staggered when he told me, but it certainly explained the leftover skin that hadn't had time to shrink to the size of his new body.


I won't lie, it would have been a turn-off normally...but it took ages to even notice it on him, I love him and all of his body. He is stunning.

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Sorry, no. Membership is limited to females with nips larger than coke can bottoms....


damn, i was gonna join, but i dont think i quite meet the criteria! how about 2/3 the size of a coke can bottom? or am i just gonna hav to accept tht this is one club tht is not for me?


as for nit pickin faults of others - i dont think you are entitled to make any sort of comment about anyone else, especially not an ex, whom you once trusted and who in turn trusted you enough to show you the faults their bodies have!


im proud of my differences, perfection and monotony is boring!

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damn, i was gonna join, but i dont think i quite meet the criteria! how about 2/3 the size of a coke can bottom? or am i just gonna have to accept tht this is one club tht is not for me?


Ok-- just for you we will offer a junior membership with the hope that you will one day grow into a full member... (oh, that was a bad pun even for me)



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