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Ever get grossed out about gf/bf body - like BIG areolas?


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I had a really funny and interesting conversation earlier tonight with one of my best friends, She and I were talking about body types/parts and whether they had disappointed you the first time you had seen it.


One of my ex's, was a pretty hot looking chick - blonde, green eyed, fantastic body, etc... She always carried herself in a sometimes egotistical manner thinking that she was the hottest thing out there. At first I though it was cool and all since we would be together at clubs and people would tell us that we were just a hot looking couple, looked perfect together, etc.


In any case, the first night we made love, she was hesitant about taking off her bra. I thought this was crazy since she always carried herself at this hot chick. When I finally convinced her, she had these enormous areolas that were basically the size of salamis. Not only that, they were kind of saggy and that was surprising for a younger chick. It finally clicked, that she was just a very insecure girl who was not comfortable with her body and that whole ego was nothing more than a facade. We ultimately fell in love, so it didn't matter, but now that we are ex's, it's free reign!


This made my friend laugh and we just starting asking some of our friends what grossed them out. So here is some of the things that we came up with, so feel free to share your opinions on these or offer something that grossed you out:


1. Large areolas - size of salamis

2. Uncircumsized penis

3. Circumsized penis and scars

4. Large testicles

5. Really loose labia - one of my friends called them elephant ears!?!

6. Giant bush

7. Evolution toes

8. Hairy back

9. Very loose scrotums that hang like a bag of onions.

10. ____________________ (you fill in the blanks)

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Yeah smokers are pretty bad.


So there is nothing about someone's body that made you say "whoa" to yourself?


There has to be something?


A few people that we met in a bar earlier tonight were just spewing off things left and right.

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I've been with girls that have both sized areolas and I can say that neither is a turn-off and each has it's perks. Also, some women love a "cut" man and others don't care if he has a foreskin. It's all personal preference, as most here have stated, but this kind of question isn't really necessary. If you find a girl attractive yet don't like the size of her nipples then you have to ask yourself if you can live with it. Personally, I think areola size is small potatoes next to bigger issues like financial compatibility, agreeing on how to raise children, loving your spouse, etc. etc.

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I think if you are "grossed out" by some aspect of your partner, then you probably should not be having sex with them, never mind being in a relationship with them. Seems rather disrespectful, and thereforeeee quite unloving in my opinion, even if you ARE broken up.


How would you feel if she was out talking about you like that now?


Even when you break up with someone, it does not mean you have free reign to be disrespectful. How do you think she would feel if she found out you had been saying things like that about her? I know girls who are very self conscious of their breasts, whether due to size or "firmness" and with comments like that, no wonder! Personally I think trashing someones genitalia is quite cruel, as many are self conscious enough (like your ex was about her breasts) without added ridicule. And I mean, personally I would not care if my partner was circumcised or not, had large testicles or not...I'm not with him for his "package" or for something that looks airbrushed. People are real, and beautiful for it.


As someone else said, the only thing "gross" is bad hygiene.


People are beautiful for many reasons, and what you might find unattractive, another would believe to be beautiful and a turn on. More so, when you care about someone, even their "flaws" are beautiful.


What it should come down to is how that person makes you feel, and your compatibilities and love and respect for one another, not the size of their areolas or whether they are circumsized or not.

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Just want to say- I love peni in general, but uncircumcised are my favorite!


the natural way!


to be honest, i think circumcision should be a choice left up to the person, not their parents. the disadvantages of non-circumcision seem to occur just when there is a lack of hygeine.

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Just want to say- I love peni in general, but uncircumcised are my favorite!


the natural way!


to be honest, i think circumcision should be a choice left up to the person, not their parents. the disadvantages of non-circumcision seem to occur just when there is a lack of hygeine.


And I bet a lot less people would choose it if they had to wait and decide!


Circumcision is still most popular in North America, if you went to England, the rates are almost flipped right around.


While there are cases where it is religious, it still is most often a "it looks better" or "so they look like daddy" thing. My brother was never circumcised - I guess my mom too felt it seemed wrong to do. I would definitely prefer NOT to do it to any of my future children. My partner was circumcised as an infant, but I really don't think it is fair to do to a child for simply aesthetic or "to have a pee-pee like daddy" reasons.

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Just want to say- I love peni in general, but uncircumcised are my favorite!


the natural way!


to be honest, i think circumcision should be a choice left up to the person, not their parents. the disadvantages of non-circumcision seem to occur just when there is a lack of hygeine.


And I bet a lot less people would choose it if they had to wait and decide!


Circumcision is still most popular in North America, if you went to England, the rates are almost flipped right around.


While there are cases where it is religious, it still is most often a "it looks better" or "so they look like daddy" thing. My brother was never circumcised - I guess my mom too felt it seemed wrong to do. I would definitely prefer NOT to do it to any of my future children. My partner was circumcised as an infant, but I really don't think it is fair to do to a child for simply aesthetic or "to have a pee-pee like daddy" reasons.


Cirumcision goes back to Biblical reasons (the Jewish race thousands of years ago did it to separate themselves from everyone else.. "set apart"), but it is also done as a medical reason. Having a foreskin is not medically wrong, but it is cleaner to be circumsized and sex does last longer due to less stimuli on the head of the penis. Most of the women I've met like a "cut" man because it's cleaner and more attractive. Uncut men need to take better care of their glans and what not because it can build up gunk and smegma.

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hairy toes, large rib cage, peach fuzz (mainly has to do with blondes), extremely saggy breasts, f.u.p.a's. the list goes on and on. Every person has something about that thats is less than perfect, we have have preferences but thats just how it is.


Its not wrong to dislike some part of your partner, im sure its reciprocated, its not that big of a deal and if it is then dont be with them.

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hairy toes, large rib cage, peach fuzz (mainly has to do with blondes), extremely saggy breasts, f.u.p.a's. the list goes on and on. Every person has something about that thats is less than perfect, we have have preferences but thats just how it is.


he said "f.u.p.a..." Too funny.


I have a lot of tolerance of SMALL defects because they make a woman look more authentically naked.


That said, I really dislike un-kempt nether regions.


One thing I hate but am not sure how to address: girls who wear thongs but are not, for whatever reason, aware that their back side generates its own internal hair that sticks out and around the thong... You don't catch the view but for a few moments, but wow is that a turn off.


Even on very un-hairy girls, if you're wearing a thong, a Brazillian should be the usual course.

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Just want to say- I love peni in general, but uncircumcised are my favorite!


the natural way!


to be honest, i think circumcision should be a choice left up to the person, not their parents. the disadvantages of non-circumcision seem to occur just when there is a lack of hygeine.


And I bet a lot less people would choose it if they had to wait and decide!


Circumcision is still most popular in North America, if you went to England, the rates are almost flipped right around.


While there are cases where it is religious, it still is most often a "it looks better" or "so they look like daddy" thing. My brother was never circumcised - I guess my mom too felt it seemed wrong to do. I would definitely prefer NOT to do it to any of my future children. My partner was circumcised as an infant, but I really don't think it is fair to do to a child for simply aesthetic or "to have a pee-pee like daddy" reasons.


Cirumcision goes back to Biblical reasons (the Jewish race thousands of years ago did it to separate themselves from everyone else.. "set apart"), but it is also done as a medical reason. Having a foreskin is not medically wrong, but it is cleaner to be circumsized and sex does last longer due to less stimuli on the head of the penis. Most of the women I've met like a "cut" man because it's cleaner and more attractive. Uncut men need to take better care of their glans and what not because it can build up gunk and smegma.


Circumcision makes a penis easier to clean, which is not exactly cleaner. The same state of hygiene can be reached by both circumcised and uncircumcised men.


One issue with circumcision is that there are claims and studies that circumcised penises become desensitised. There's disputes over whether or not this is true, but I personally find it believable. Since the glans naturally covers the head and keeps it lubricated, without it the head is exposed and has to endure "harsher" environments.


In anycase, I think it's a choice left up to the person. I mean, it's something that's life altering. And it's cutting off a piece of your body which does have a bodily function. There isn't another body part that people would cut off at birth (unless it proposed serious health risks to the baby) is there?

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My boyfriend has the biggest spaces ever between his big toe and the other ones. I'm not grossed out about it but tease him just for the fun of it. If he was wearing sandals when we met then I'd be quite weirded out but now whenever my eyes 'catch' his feet I just think well if he ever needs to be identified at the morgue, God forbid, I'll recognize him in a second. ( He didnt find that joke funny either.)


I asked him a few times if he's sure he wasn't born with 12 toes and they removed 2, but he ashures me that he was born this way. LOL.

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  • 8 months later...
... circumcision should be a choice left up to the person, not their parents. the disadvantages of non-circumcision seem to occur just when there is a lack of hygeine.


But he DID say he is one of the "we don't wash and that's ok" crowd too, see? Like him, a LOT of the members of one group are also members of the other. and girls know that a LOT of guys demand oral service, so that's why a LOT of women have their boys and men cut, if they can.

I'd like to meet you half way on the matter of choice though. If a boy can learn to keep his foreskin retracted and clean at all times, then let him keep it if he wants. How's that?

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Its not wrong to dislike some part of your partner, im sure its reciprocated, its not that big of a deal and if it is then dont be with them.



That's true. It's not like anyone else is gonna see the bits of them you don't like, just you. And if you can't handle it, you're shallow.

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but it is cleaner to be circumsized and sex does last longer due to less stimuli on the head of the penis.


Dont believe everything you read...I am uncut, and I can go on for hours and I take care of it probably better than men who are circumsized....It kind of gets to me when people say girls perfer circumsized over uncircumsized....and I guess you were with every single women on this planet .....D*cks are D*cks....boobs are boobs and so on....Its what you do with it that matters.

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