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Trying to write out my feelings and this is the result...


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I can't help that I don't see you that way anymore

When you broke my heart the last time I knew I had to move on

You tell me that you love me and I got tired of believing it

Maybe all of this puts me in the wrong

But I don't feel like it does

Deep down inside

I know I'd always be there for you

I know how hard I've tried

And I'm risking my chances with somebody else

Someone, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say this…but someone I care about

And that's not meant to make you jealous

It is just the truth

How come me caring about him

Has to mean I can't care about you?

And is it really wrong for me to say

He's someone that I see 'that' way

And maybe you will just never see

And maybe you're right

Friends is not something we can 'just' be

If that's really something you don't want now

I try not to think that means you never cared

But I'm starting to ask how, you ever could have

(Not that you should have)

And maybe this is all just so selfish of me

And maybe I shouldn't have mentioned anything

And I know that things may not work out with him at all

I could be setting myself up for the exact same sort of fall

But I'm happy right now

Except that me being happy makes you sad

Shouldn't seeing your 'best friend' smile make you just a little glad?

It seems to me that deep down all you care about is you

But you make me feel like I'm the one who's pushing us to lose

Everything we ever had

All of the good is lost in all of the bad

I'm not going to push this new guy away

If you were truly my friend I wouldn't have to do that to convince you to stay

You were the one who couldn't ever decide what you needed

And I was the one always left alone and defeated

But somehow you manage to turn this all around on me

Like my intention was just to hurt you

Like I enjoy just being mean

And I would move the entire universe

If it somehow could make this work out

If I could somehow show you what was real

And teach you what my friendship is all about

But I'm not the girl you're looking for

I'm sorry, but I'm not

I gave you everything I had

And you only wanted what I haven't got

And at first I tried so hard anyway

Tried to be the girl you wanted me to be

But I can't live my life like that

Giving all that I have

To be shoved to the back

Anytime you need time to 'just live'

How come that's all something you can ask me to give

But if I get weary with your broken promises, these heartbreaks, and lies

I become this evil selfish thing you terribly despise

And how come you can say you love me

And treat me the way you do

If that's what you call love

You'll never hear me say, "I love you too"

Because I care about you so much more than all of this

To me love isn't holding hands and stealing a hug and kiss

Sometimes I wonder why I bother

Trying to make this all right

Then I remember no matter what

You're my friend

And it's worth the fight





It's not titled. And it's not any good really. But it's everything I wish I could tell that boy. Somehow get it in his head. ~sigh~ Gr. I thought about sending it to him, but why bother? I've tried to explain things to him a milliong times. He'll never get it. Blah.



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Wow... thats alot of feelings..

There is a saying, or I dont know if it was me who made it up or some famous guy well; "Out of friendship comes love, not the other way around"

or something like that..


Anyways.. It would've convinced me.. made it easier too move on when i lost my girlfriend..


Keep up the good work

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  • 3 weeks later...

If he would only read this and it make him understand...to see what he means to you and how what he's done has affected you.... I dont think he could handle this 'correctly' if he saw this now, but if he were just even a bit older, a tad bit more...mature, maybe... goodness how this would speak volumes to 'that boy.'


I think one of the best lines in there is this:

You'll never hear me say, "I love you too"

Because I care about you so much more than all of this


For me, personally, it hits home in ways I may have never understood before...


Keep writing, You!

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Thanks everyone for the comments. And Gettingoverit...I'm particularly glad you picked out those lines because when I read back through it I felt the meaning that I had wanted very much to pull out of that part had gotten confused. But anyway...you are right. Perhaps later in life it all could be something he would understand...but not just yet.



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thats really a very nice poem...u know what, i also write my deepest feelings for a certain person through poems, most especially to someone who broke my heart but could even tell him that he did...


pitty those guys that cant even feel how much they mean to us...



this is my fav line:


I gave you everything I had

And you only wanted what I haven't got

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Thanks for the comment and you are right. There is a certain level of pity that manifests in the wake of the heartbreak. Because you know you would have been there and been good to them, and they didn't even realize what they were letting go.

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hi..thats precisely true...sometimes we cant really understand them...that after bein good and all that to a certain person we only got hurts and pains in returns...it sucks right??!!


but still we have a life to live. dont let it depend on someone who minds only his own...


keep writing nice poems of love..il post mine soon...pls hit me back with comment too...


keep smiling!!

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