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when you start


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i write, but I don't know what for?

look like I may lose the fight,now look who walked into the door

everything is wrong its not making since to me

my mind is in a haze and my voice is speechless with no words as you can see...

to Release is to let go, but to hold on is to have hope

hope can only take you so far

but what to lose? When you dont have a car

what if you just can't seem to move

you feel like emotions need to soothe

promises need to be proven

but you know you should be movin

but you sit and let life pass you

you sit inside because you don't know what to do

and even tho you have ideas and plans to make you next move

you sit there like a rock , theres so many people that tell you to prove

to prove to them that your worthy of respect, to not get steped on

and to not be left, but you stay there stuck lost in your thoughts until you notice that dusk already turned into dawn once again

and still thoughts run out and in and your head begins to spin

and your feeled from head to toe with adrinalin

and then instead of taking things into your own hands

you must ask and plead with your father to let you stand

and not sit on your butt and not do a thing

eccept the oposit of what you preach and sing

in your mind that preaching and singing gets the worst

and plans are not met and your thoughts turn into thirst

the rage soon turns into self hate

the respect is non to give and less to take

the thoughts begin to bleed because thats all you could really have control of

hurt turns into pain and pain turn into happiness and control...and the bad turns into love

releasing all of this makes you think...was it worth the scars and all the pain

you begin to feel guilt and it gets you in the throat..the blood drips from your vein

and the tears shed, but theres nobody there for you to be taken under their wing and nursed back to health

when you start to hate yourself

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